Are you paying attention to the situation in which America finds herself or are you one of the millions of people whose heads are firmly planted in the sand?
It is amazing, to me, that at a time when we are in debt over fourteen trillion dollars (an amount none of us can get our minds around) that still the liberals in congress will state that spending should still be done to specific programs because "it is a good program".
Let's see if you are personally broke and you have a car which is in bad shape purchasing a new car would be a good thing, but does a reasonable person go out and buy one, knowing full well that you can't pay for it?
Is this the way these people, in Washington, run there own lives?
When people vote for a person to represent them they seem to think that personal responsibility and moral responsibility should not be considered in their decision. I would like to say that a person's honesty and morals cannot be separated into a personal life and a political life. We all make our decisions based on our beliefs. It is silly to think that a person can do otherwise. If you are an honest person you will not make a dishonest decision. If you live your life in dishonesty, (ie) Weiner's dishonesty in sending suggestive emails to women, not his wife, is dishonest. Therefore all his decisions and acts can and should be called into question.
It is time we, as voters, stop making excuses for those people running for office. It is time we stop accepting what they say rather than doing our homework to find out what they have done. It is time we hold all elected officials accountable. Then and only then can we expect accountability in Washington, in our state capitals and in our local government.