Friday, April 25, 2014

I'm Not Ready For One World Order...ARE YOU ?

Are you following the recent events in Nevada regarding the Bundy family and their fight with the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) over grazing rights? Now in the past few days we are hearing about the BLM laying claim to close to 100,000 acres along the Red River which is the boundary between Texas and Arizona. This land, the Feds claim, belongs to them even though the ranchers have title to the property and have been using the land and paying taxes on it for generations.

Then there is this:  (from
"Two years ago, Andy and Ceil Barrie bought two pieces of land: a house in an established subdivision, and a piece of backcountry land at a higher elevation, accessible by an old mining road.
The backcountry land, which is surrounded by over 2 million acres of White River National Forest, had to be accessed with a utility vehicle because of its remote location. The couple used an old mining road dating back to the 1880s to access their land, and that’s where their problems began.
Even though the couple was using an established mining road, the U.S. Forest Service denied the couple access to their land and then the county demanded the couple sell the land. When they refused, the local county commissioners condemned an old mining cabin that was on the land previous to the Barrie’s purchase of the land, claiming it was being condemned for wiring and plumbing issues – even though the cabin had neither plumbing nor electrical wiring."
...And it goes on to how the couple were forced to give up their land. They received compensation but only enough to pay their legal fees. 
These stories should make everyone ask why our government wants all this land. Land, which if you believe the constitution, they have no right to own in the first place.  The cost, paid for by taxpayer money, is huge and growing daily. The BLM, a division of the Interior and under controlled of the executive branch of government, should not be a police agency, but it is. So why do they look like storm troopers...So why the big land grabs?
Have you heard of Agenda 21? Do You Know What is it???

UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, 
all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.   

 Go here to read more
Also just use Google...things like Agenda 21 where did it start....what is got the idea.

This, I would suggest, is what the land grad is all about. It has been supported by both Republican  and Democrat presidents since the 70's.
This is about government (the elites who become part of government) thinking that they know how we should live, what we should do, how we should do it. This is not new it is just now getting to the point of making itself visible

We should ask ourselves if all our media, including Fox News, are ignorant of .these things or do they too think they are above us. That they somehow were given superior minds and we were not.

There is ugliness here that you probably have no idea of. It includes controlling population by drugs given without our knowledge. It includes forcing everyone into large urban areas and making most of our country inaccessible to everyone. And much much more.
There is so much going on without our knowledge.

Are you aware that many of our National parks are under the control of the UN?

In 1972, our government signed the United Nations' World Heritage Treaty, a treaty that creates "World Heritage Sites" and Biosphere Reserves." Selected for their cultural, historical or natural significance, national governments are obligated to protect these landmarks under U.N. mandate.1 Since 1972, 68 percent of all U.S. national parks, monuments and preserves have been designated as World Heritage Sites.2
Twenty important symbols of national pride, along with 51 million acres of our wilderness, are World Heritage Sites or Biosphere Reserves now falling under the control of the U.N. This includes the Statue of Liberty, Thomas Jefferson's home at Monticello, the Washington Monument, the Brooklyn Bridge, Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite, the Florida Everglades and the Grand Canyon - to name just a few.

Again do your own Google search (es) for information.

If this bothers you I hope you will share it. We are a nation which has been dumbed down by our school system for many years and it continues. With the Common core having been implemented in many states the dumb down   project is now running like a snowball downhill and gaining momentum all the time.

I believe there are good men running for office in the coming election that can begin to turn things around but no one is going to get these people elected if we don't. It is our job to protect our country. No one else is going to do it for us.
Please do your homework on these things and if it scares you do something about it.