Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Holy Hypocrisy and Hot Air by Michelle Malkin

This is so good I really just had to share it with you. Michelle hits the nail on the head. 

Holy Hypocrisy and Hot Air

Unlike Pope Francis, I believe that air-conditioning and the capitalists responsible for the technology are blessings to the world.
Perhaps the head of the Catholic Church, who condemned “the increasing use and power of air-conditioning” last week in a market-bashing encyclical, is unaware of the pioneering private company that has donated its time, energy and innovative heating, ventilating and air-conditioning equipment to the Vatican’s most famous edifice for more than a decade.
That’s right. While the pontiff sanctimoniously attacks “those who are obsessed with maximizing profits,” Carrier Corporation — a $13 billion for-profit company with 43,000 employees worldwide (now a unit of U.S.-based United Technologies Corp.) — ensures that the air in the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel stays clean and cool.
Last fall, Carrier unveiled a groundbreaking HVAC system for the Vatican to help preserve Michelangelo’s masterpieces against pollution caused by the estimated six million visitors who descend on the Sistine Chapel every year to see its famous frescoes.
As the company described it, their new solution “uses two Carrier AquaForce(r) 30XWV water-cooled chillers with Greenspeed(r) intelligence, each with 580 kilowatts of capacity. It leverages specially designed software and components, as well as patented, energy-saving technologies to maintain optimal climate conditions for the protection of the paintings within the chapel.” State-of-the-art intelligent controls “anticipate visitor levels and adjust its performance intuitively.” It also “delivers twice the efficiency and three times the capacity of the former system, which was built and installed by Carrier in the early 1990s.”
Here’s the lesson about air-conditioning capitalists that Pope Francis fails to appreciate: Carrier’s technological know-how and breakthroughs didn’t just descend from the clouds. As I recount in my latest book, “Who Built That,” every perfectly chilled home, office, movie theater, mall, factory, hospital, lab and museum owes its existence to the profit-seeking pioneers of manufactured weather: Willis Carrier and Irvine Lyle.
These early 20th-century inventive giants brought air-conditioning to the market and to the masses. Willis Carrier was the scientist-tinkerpreneur whose prolific stream of experiments and epiphanies, beginning in 1902, fueled historic technological advances in heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning. Irvine Lyle was the mechanical engineer-turned-salesman who imagined countless new commercial applications for Carrier’s work — and successfully turned those ideas into a multibillion-dollar business through relentless promotion, pitches, networking, advertising and outreach.
The scientists and their core team begged, borrowed and made stock sales to friends and neighbors. Carrier even enlisted his dentist for cash to get Carrier Engineering Corporation up and running in 1915. Carrier, Lyle and five founding engineers together pitched in $32,600 in start-up funds.
The Carrier capitalists risked it all in defiance of an economic depression and amid the tumult of world war. They couldn’t afford their own factory and scrounged for made-to-order parts wherever they could find them. They dug into their own pockets to cover salary shortfalls. The wealth wasn’t handed to them. Carrier and Lyle, farm boys who both graduated from Cornell, drove their men hard and themselves harder.
The Carrier team sold its products to businesses, large and small, that spanned the spectrum of human needs and wants. The pope should know that in addition to sparing countless lives from death by heat wave, Carrier designed a special system for Jonas Salk that helped maintain constant temperatures in the vats where Salk’s poliovirus strains grew. The Salk vaccine saved thousands of lives and spearheaded the vaccine revolution.
From Hollywood to the pharmaceutical industry to textiles to the retail industry to the military to homeowners, there isn’t a sector of the American economy that Carrier and Lyle didn’t help transform. Their zealous focus on helping businesses provide better products at cheaper costs resulted in the invaluable byproducts of increased health, comfort and happiness.
While the pope blames commercial enterprises and the “global market economy” for causing “environmental degradation,” it is a worldwide commercial enterprise made in America that solved the human-caused degradation of, and environmental damage to, the Vatican’s most prized art and assets.
If the pontiff truly believes “excessive consumption” of modern conveniences is causing evil “climate change,” will he be shutting down and returning the multimillion-dollar system Carrier generously gifted to the Vatican Museums?
If not, I suggest, with all due respect, that Pope Francis do humanity a favor and refrain from blowing any more hot air unless he’s willing to stew in his own.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Be Careful What You Wish (VOTE) For

As we move closer to our next, and probably the most important election you will ever vote in, the majority of people haven't a clue as to the candidates. Most will consider themselves Patriotic as they walk into the polling place and give their vote to someone they know nothing about except for a few soundbites for or against.
To my amazement Hillary remains popular even though those who say, with a stupid look of adoration on their faces, I like Hillary but when asked why there is no answer. That is because there is nothing that anyone can mention that shows accomplishment on her part.
Anyone my age who has paid attention should remember all the questionable acts which occurred during the Clinton's time in Arkansas and Washington DC. If you can't list them then do yourself a favor and do your homework. Most people will remember, if nothing else, Bill's "I did not have sex with that woman" lie . He was impeached but not removed from office and Hillary was right behind him covering his ass all the way and running a smear campaign against any woman (and there were quite a few) who dared accuse him.
Now she wants to be president. She doesn't want to talk to to the media and answer any questions, she sure does not want to talk about the millions of dollars she and Bill have raked in for speaking fees and contributions (Clinton Foundation) while she was Secretary of State and while the very people paying the speaking fees and making the contributions were receiving favors from our country through determinations made by Hillary as Secretary of State. Did you know she OK'd the sale of  our National resources  to Russia? The following is from
" Hillary Clinton’s State Department was part of a panel that approved the sale of one of America’s largest uranium mines at the same time a foundation controlled by the seller’s chairman was making donations to a Clinton family charity, records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show."
Treason you might ask???? 
There is another, perhaps the biggest problem with Hillary Clinton becoming President. Her name is
Huma Abedin. Huma has been with Hillary for a long time and is reported to be her closest confidant. It was once said that "Hillary wouldn't go out the door without Huma"
So what do you know of Huma, other than the fact that she is married to Weiner...the congressman who sent out pictures of his body to young women.
The following excerpts are taken from an article by Joseph Klein in Frontpage Magazine.
"Huma Abedin is the daughter of Saleha Mahmood Abedin, who has had ties to numerous Islamist organizations including the Muslim Brotherhood.  During her youth, Huma lived with her family in Saudi Arabia, where they had re-located from Michigan and where she was exposed to the Wahhabi jihadist ideology, before returning to the United States at the age of 18."

"The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs – an Abedin family project in which Huma Abedin was deeply involved – espouses the Islamic supremacist ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. As Andrew McCarthy noted, Huma Abedin herself “spent 12 years working at a journal intended to aid Islamic domination of the West.”"
Huma has very strong ties with much of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic groups. If you need to refresh your memory check out the position both Obama and Clinton had regarding Egypt and
 enthusiastically supported the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and favored the the Muslim Brotherhood’s choice for president, Mohammed Morsi, prevail in the presidential run-off election over his more secular army-backed rival. Morsi is now in prison for crimes against the Egyption  people.
Huma was by Hillary's side when Hillary Hillary Clinton led the charge within the Obama administration for regime change in Libya. She urged action to overthrow the Gadhafi regime in Libya after the start of an “Arab Spring” uprising in that country.This move was controversial because Gadhafi was no threat to us at the time. He had given up his nuclear weapons years earlier.
Thanks to Obama and Clinton we now have the Fox guarding the hen-house in Washington. 
I encourage everyone reading this to please take the time to research this and all that is happening in our country. If citizens don't wake up soon we will soon be a third world country.