Anyone who believes the current left wing media's proclamations regarding the exoneration of Hillary Clinton for her role in Benghazi, in the report released this past week, has to be intentionally ignorant.
Have you read the report, or even the summary report by Congressmen Jordan and Pompeo. They are quite easy to find online. The actual report is over 800 pages but the Jordan Pompeo report is an easy read of just over 50 pages.
Have you seen the movie 13 Hours or have you read the book (same name). Have you watched the interview with three of the men who survived the Bengazi fire fight by Brett Baier on Fox News? Have you seen any of the many interviews with these men who fought for those many hours when our government did not even try to rescue them?
Did you watch any of the hearings in Washington regarding Bengazi?
The information is easily available. Information which contradicts everything the left and Hillary say about the death of Ambassador Stevens and the three men who also died. One at the consulate where he was trying to protect Ambassador Stevens and two more who died on a rooftop fighting off the attackers at the annex building about a mile away from the original attack.
There are hours of testimony regarding what happened and thousands of pages of recorded emails and correspondence.
If you watch Fox News you know most of it, if you don't you probably know very little because the media has worked overtime for the past four years to cover everything up in order first to protect Obama who was just a few weeks from election to his second term in office and to protect HIllary for her 2016 run for the Presidency. Yes she was preparing for her second run for the office even as Obama was running for his second term. I believe she started her run the minute she accepted the job of secretary of state for Obama when he was first elected. We may never know what the inside arrangements were between Obama and Hillary but be sure there was some sort of deal between them.
The Hillary team keeps telling us us how qualified Hillary is to be president yet when one of her supporters is asked to name just one accomplishment to support their contention...silence.
Living at taxpayers expense for most of a persons life does not equal experience to be president and so Hillary needed a big accomplishment for her run for the presidency in 2016. I have no idea how she settled on Libya but she did and against the advise of many advisors in the military side of the administration she decided that Qaddafi needed to be removed, even though he wasn't a threat to us. So with support from Nato the deed was done.
Here is a little bit of info I found on a website called
" And the military in the United States, the United States Africa Command was originally opposed to going into Libya. But the pressures of Goldman Sachs, along with those people called the humanitarian hawks—Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton—[incompr.] the American public and the media to go along with France and Britain for the destruction of Libya in 2011. And the people of Africa are still living with this destruction, where over 50,000 people in Africa have been killed, 40,000 people, black-skinned from Tawergha, have been thrown out of where they live. And so we have to see that initially the United States military was opposed, but later on, the media, along with Clinton, Rice, and Powers, were able to build up the psychological warfare and propaganda within this society against the United States people to portray Gaddafi as this terrible leader, when, as you said, he was in league with the Western banking and financial institutions."
Like most things done by the left they never have a plan for completion of their ideas and this was no exception. After the overthrow, and since, Libya has been in complete turmoil. Since this was to be Hillary's big deal, her proof of accomplishment that she would run on in the 2016 election campaign it was imperative that the general public think of Libya as a success. The media, always complicit in HIllary's schemes and transgressions, were not about to give her away and Obama continued his lies to the American public about his successes.
And so Hillary appointed Ambassador Stevens to Libya with grand plans to show the world her success. Unfortunately Libya was not cooperating. In Benghazi the two years prior to the attack on the consulate was not a place of success. There were numerous attacks and threats on both our consulate as well as on the British posts and the Red Cross. Our people, stationed in Benghazi, sent a endless stream of requests to Hillary's State Dept requesting additional security. None were ever granted. The consulate building itself did not meet the minimum standards set by the State Department for Embassies but excuses were made that it was a consulate and temporary so therefore Hillary's office did nothing.
The report does not "clear" Hillary but it does not go far enough in placing blame. While she did not plan for the attack to happen, she did nothing to prevent it. She did nothing to try to rescue the people in Benghazi, in fact while she held a meeting within hours of the start of the attack 5 of 11 items on their agenda was about how they would spin the information to the public and indeed just a few hours later she sent emails to her daughter as well as to leaders in Libya and Egypt that the attack had been pre-planned by terrorists at the same time she went on TV and told the rest of us that it was because of a video. She told the families of the slain men, as she stood by the coffins that it was because of the video and indeed for days Hillary and Obama went before the public with their lies.
The reason for the lies was obvious. This was September 11, the election was almost upon us. Obama's whole campaign was about how well he was doing with the wars. The public must not be told that Libya was in a shambles and if Obama and Hillary admitted that the attack in Benghazi was a planned attack by terrorist it would paint a completely different picture of Obama's success in his first term. Hillary's campaign in 2016 was to be about her wonderful success in Libya and she could not accept the blame that her big plan not only had not worked out the way she expected. It had cost the lives of four men, one of them an Ambassador she had sent to Benghazi. Because of her poor judgement and failure to send the reinforcements they had asked for hundreds of times her grand accomplishment was a failure.
Have you read the report, or even the summary report by Congressmen Jordan and Pompeo. They are quite easy to find online. The actual report is over 800 pages but the Jordan Pompeo report is an easy read of just over 50 pages.
Have you seen the movie 13 Hours or have you read the book (same name). Have you watched the interview with three of the men who survived the Bengazi fire fight by Brett Baier on Fox News? Have you seen any of the many interviews with these men who fought for those many hours when our government did not even try to rescue them?
Did you watch any of the hearings in Washington regarding Bengazi?
The information is easily available. Information which contradicts everything the left and Hillary say about the death of Ambassador Stevens and the three men who also died. One at the consulate where he was trying to protect Ambassador Stevens and two more who died on a rooftop fighting off the attackers at the annex building about a mile away from the original attack.
There are hours of testimony regarding what happened and thousands of pages of recorded emails and correspondence.
If you watch Fox News you know most of it, if you don't you probably know very little because the media has worked overtime for the past four years to cover everything up in order first to protect Obama who was just a few weeks from election to his second term in office and to protect HIllary for her 2016 run for the Presidency. Yes she was preparing for her second run for the office even as Obama was running for his second term. I believe she started her run the minute she accepted the job of secretary of state for Obama when he was first elected. We may never know what the inside arrangements were between Obama and Hillary but be sure there was some sort of deal between them.
The Hillary team keeps telling us us how qualified Hillary is to be president yet when one of her supporters is asked to name just one accomplishment to support their contention...silence.
Living at taxpayers expense for most of a persons life does not equal experience to be president and so Hillary needed a big accomplishment for her run for the presidency in 2016. I have no idea how she settled on Libya but she did and against the advise of many advisors in the military side of the administration she decided that Qaddafi needed to be removed, even though he wasn't a threat to us. So with support from Nato the deed was done.
Here is a little bit of info I found on a website called
" And the military in the United States, the United States Africa Command was originally opposed to going into Libya. But the pressures of Goldman Sachs, along with those people called the humanitarian hawks—Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton—[incompr.] the American public and the media to go along with France and Britain for the destruction of Libya in 2011. And the people of Africa are still living with this destruction, where over 50,000 people in Africa have been killed, 40,000 people, black-skinned from Tawergha, have been thrown out of where they live. And so we have to see that initially the United States military was opposed, but later on, the media, along with Clinton, Rice, and Powers, were able to build up the psychological warfare and propaganda within this society against the United States people to portray Gaddafi as this terrible leader, when, as you said, he was in league with the Western banking and financial institutions."
Like most things done by the left they never have a plan for completion of their ideas and this was no exception. After the overthrow, and since, Libya has been in complete turmoil. Since this was to be Hillary's big deal, her proof of accomplishment that she would run on in the 2016 election campaign it was imperative that the general public think of Libya as a success. The media, always complicit in HIllary's schemes and transgressions, were not about to give her away and Obama continued his lies to the American public about his successes.
And so Hillary appointed Ambassador Stevens to Libya with grand plans to show the world her success. Unfortunately Libya was not cooperating. In Benghazi the two years prior to the attack on the consulate was not a place of success. There were numerous attacks and threats on both our consulate as well as on the British posts and the Red Cross. Our people, stationed in Benghazi, sent a endless stream of requests to Hillary's State Dept requesting additional security. None were ever granted. The consulate building itself did not meet the minimum standards set by the State Department for Embassies but excuses were made that it was a consulate and temporary so therefore Hillary's office did nothing.
The report does not "clear" Hillary but it does not go far enough in placing blame. While she did not plan for the attack to happen, she did nothing to prevent it. She did nothing to try to rescue the people in Benghazi, in fact while she held a meeting within hours of the start of the attack 5 of 11 items on their agenda was about how they would spin the information to the public and indeed just a few hours later she sent emails to her daughter as well as to leaders in Libya and Egypt that the attack had been pre-planned by terrorists at the same time she went on TV and told the rest of us that it was because of a video. She told the families of the slain men, as she stood by the coffins that it was because of the video and indeed for days Hillary and Obama went before the public with their lies.
The reason for the lies was obvious. This was September 11, the election was almost upon us. Obama's whole campaign was about how well he was doing with the wars. The public must not be told that Libya was in a shambles and if Obama and Hillary admitted that the attack in Benghazi was a planned attack by terrorist it would paint a completely different picture of Obama's success in his first term. Hillary's campaign in 2016 was to be about her wonderful success in Libya and she could not accept the blame that her big plan not only had not worked out the way she expected. It had cost the lives of four men, one of them an Ambassador she had sent to Benghazi. Because of her poor judgement and failure to send the reinforcements they had asked for hundreds of times her grand accomplishment was a failure.