by donna merritt
I don't know what a real poll would reveal about what the majority of people believe about Obama's birth and his eligibility to be President but there is much going on just beneath the surface.
Court challenges have been ongoing since before he took office but most people refuse to talk about it. "Birthers" are afraid to come out of the closet for fear of being called racists, stupid, ignorant and worse. Even what we think of as our true news source, Fox News, won't come clean on the subject with Bill O'Reilly being one of the first to try to belittle anyone who even hints at his fraudulent birth certificate, his place of birth, why his history is hidden or anything related.
Do you ask yourself why?
I do just about everytime I hear one of these put downs. Why? Why are they trying so hard to keep the subject under the radar?
Can anyone believe that Obama has spent millions of dollars just because perhaps his grades weren't top notch? I don't think so.
Why then?
I believe it is done for many reasons, different reasons for different people.
Fear perhaps. We don't know how many threats have been made against people like Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and others. So perhaps that is the reason...or..
Have you considered what the state of our country would be if it were proven that Obama is a fraud. If he is were not eligible to enter the election, to have his name on the ballot, to be president when he was elected. Then have we been without a president for the past three and a half years? Then what becomes of every appointment including Supreme Court Justices (of which he has appointed two). What becomes of every bill, every executive order, our war involvments, what happens to all that? What about all the appointments he has made and all the regulations those appointees have written and enforced? Do the companies which have been harrassed and have had to spend millions to fight those regulations and those who enforce them, do they then have legal recourse against the Federal Government? What about his closing down of oil drilling in the gulf? Can those oil companies sue the Federal Government?
I am sure there are many in Washington, even those who want Obama out spend sleepless nights wondering just what would happen to the country if Obama is proven a fraud. I doubt that we could even move down the line in next to succeed the President. Biden would probably not be legit, he ran on a fraudulent ticket. Nancy Pelosi would have been third in line before the last election and she would fight to say she should be the one but now we have a new Speaker of the house, John Boehner. Would it be him?
There is no safe landing place here and everyone knows it. Everyone is waiting for someone, to determine who is in the position to make decisions and no one wants to.
There is nothing in the constitution, that document that conservative love and liberals hate, to say who takes the reins.
This could have been avoided simply by either the democrats doing their due diligence and vetting Obama and asking the questions which were never asked or by the state officials doing their jobs and demanding documentation from Obama or the Democratic party. But no one did.
The constitution specifically sets forth a different requirement for those who wish to be president then from those running for Congress or the Senate. A candidate for President of The United States must be a "Natural Born Citizen" That is different from a Native Born citizen which qualifies one for other office.
While the constitution does not give the definition of Natural Born it does use the term, distinctly different form Native Born. It makes them different and the accepted defination of the term, at the time of the writing of the constitution to mean one born in the United States of parents who were both American Citizens. On the contrary, a Native Born Citizen is one born in the United States with no requirement as to the parents citizenship.
This is so easy to understand and the reason is easy to understand as well. It was to assure that someone closely connected to another country would not have the ability to gain access to the highest office in our land.
We may never know the truth about Obama, and we must learn the lesson from this, that we never again allow someone with no discernible background to enter into the process to become President.
We can only pray that somehow we are able to untangle the mess we are in. Unfortunately many people don't even realize how close our country is to collapse at the moment, nor do they understand the danger that Obama is putting our country into because he does not share the values which our country was built on.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
What a Pathetic Bunch we are
by Donna Merritt
Our genes certainly have been watered down since our country was founded. The wonderful strong beliefs in rights and freedoms which our Founders were willing to fight and die for. That fighting spirit was still there when our men fought their way through Europe to help other countries keep or reclaim their freedoms.
But what has happened to us. These brave men from years past would be so ashamed of us. They would probably say we do not deserve freedom. We do not deserve any of the wonderful rights they fought and died for.
What are we doing to keep those rights and freedoms. Nothing, absolutely nothing. We allow people in Washington, not even elected officials, to set rules and regulations which affect our every breath.
Now we have the Federal labor department setting out rules which will stop children on farms from doing anything except the most minimal jobs.
Did you live on a farm or know someone who did. I grew up on a farm and children were well versed in the work they did and certainly knew much more then these idiots in Washington.
This is just one more area where our government wants to run our lives. How far are we going to allow this nonsense to go on before we rise up in mass and tell our elected officials to either get their asses in gear and protect us from the intrusion of government of get out of Washington and make way for someone who gives a damn about the American situation.
We have Sharia law and it's proponents every where in this current administration and the latest statement from the Whitehouse is that "The War on Terror is over." Do you believe you believe they would actually say that when we are losing men and women everyday in the fight against Terror. Don't you ask yourself what is going on. If you don't you need to.
The edge of the cliff we are going to go over is fast approaching. Are you ready for it.
There is the old saying that some people make things happen, some people watch things happen and some people say "what happened". Don't be one of the latter.
Our genes certainly have been watered down since our country was founded. The wonderful strong beliefs in rights and freedoms which our Founders were willing to fight and die for. That fighting spirit was still there when our men fought their way through Europe to help other countries keep or reclaim their freedoms.
But what has happened to us. These brave men from years past would be so ashamed of us. They would probably say we do not deserve freedom. We do not deserve any of the wonderful rights they fought and died for.
What are we doing to keep those rights and freedoms. Nothing, absolutely nothing. We allow people in Washington, not even elected officials, to set rules and regulations which affect our every breath.
Now we have the Federal labor department setting out rules which will stop children on farms from doing anything except the most minimal jobs.
Did you live on a farm or know someone who did. I grew up on a farm and children were well versed in the work they did and certainly knew much more then these idiots in Washington.
This is just one more area where our government wants to run our lives. How far are we going to allow this nonsense to go on before we rise up in mass and tell our elected officials to either get their asses in gear and protect us from the intrusion of government of get out of Washington and make way for someone who gives a damn about the American situation.
We have Sharia law and it's proponents every where in this current administration and the latest statement from the Whitehouse is that "The War on Terror is over." Do you believe you believe they would actually say that when we are losing men and women everyday in the fight against Terror. Don't you ask yourself what is going on. If you don't you need to.
The edge of the cliff we are going to go over is fast approaching. Are you ready for it.
There is the old saying that some people make things happen, some people watch things happen and some people say "what happened". Don't be one of the latter.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Not too Big to Fail but Too Big to Succeed
by Donna Merritt
If someone said to you, "hey take over the government, you are now the president," what would you do, how would you handle it?
Would you have a clue as to what needs to be done? No? Well guess what, neither does the president, anyone running for president or probably anyone that has been president for a long long time.
Check out the idiots in government. Oh there are a few, mostly conservtives and mostly the younger most recently elected ones who make sense but most of them you wouldn't even want to share a beer with.
I believe if the IQ of a random selection of representatives in DC was compared to the IQ of a like number of people just off the streets the street people would have the higher IQ.
The problem is this...we have allowed government, local and state and national level to become a huge, unweildy, mess that cannot be understood, cannot be controlled, and is doomed to swamp us all.
Take a look at your local city government. No matter the population it is probably being managed by a group of totally inept elected officials with no education or experience in that which they have promised to do. Look at the code book which rules your life. It is a jumble of codes on top of codes on top of codes until no one can know or understand the rules and requirements.
These same people have granted large salaries and retirements to their cronies until now everything that is taken up within meetings is how to get more money to pay for these obligations, what they can tax next. They have totally lost control and all they can do is just muddle along, making no progress just rying to maintain status quo. They're failing.
Multiply this to Federal government levels and you see a totally out of control monster which absolutely no one understands or do they understand what will work and what won't.
The only hope we have, I believe, is to try to find people, dedicated to cutting down the size of government. Put the Federal government back to it's original purpose that being to preserve our security from without. Almost 50% of the population depends on the government for their subsistance soeach year as this group grows the ability to vote in people willing to cut spending becomes more difficult.
If we don't stop we will be Greece in just a few years. Who will bail us out then?
This administration believes in International law, allowing groups like the United Nations to make and oversee our government. WE must stop this and we must stop it now.Already the IMF is sending billions of our dollars to other countries because somehow we own them for past injustices.
Do your homework. The purpose of the present administration is no secret. Find out who these people are and what they have said in the past.
This coming elections may well be the most important election in your lifetime.
Our government is not to big to fail it is to beig to succeed
If someone said to you, "hey take over the government, you are now the president," what would you do, how would you handle it?
Would you have a clue as to what needs to be done? No? Well guess what, neither does the president, anyone running for president or probably anyone that has been president for a long long time.
Check out the idiots in government. Oh there are a few, mostly conservtives and mostly the younger most recently elected ones who make sense but most of them you wouldn't even want to share a beer with.
I believe if the IQ of a random selection of representatives in DC was compared to the IQ of a like number of people just off the streets the street people would have the higher IQ.
The problem is this...we have allowed government, local and state and national level to become a huge, unweildy, mess that cannot be understood, cannot be controlled, and is doomed to swamp us all.
Take a look at your local city government. No matter the population it is probably being managed by a group of totally inept elected officials with no education or experience in that which they have promised to do. Look at the code book which rules your life. It is a jumble of codes on top of codes on top of codes until no one can know or understand the rules and requirements.
These same people have granted large salaries and retirements to their cronies until now everything that is taken up within meetings is how to get more money to pay for these obligations, what they can tax next. They have totally lost control and all they can do is just muddle along, making no progress just rying to maintain status quo. They're failing.
Multiply this to Federal government levels and you see a totally out of control monster which absolutely no one understands or do they understand what will work and what won't.
The only hope we have, I believe, is to try to find people, dedicated to cutting down the size of government. Put the Federal government back to it's original purpose that being to preserve our security from without. Almost 50% of the population depends on the government for their subsistance soeach year as this group grows the ability to vote in people willing to cut spending becomes more difficult.
If we don't stop we will be Greece in just a few years. Who will bail us out then?
This administration believes in International law, allowing groups like the United Nations to make and oversee our government. WE must stop this and we must stop it now.Already the IMF is sending billions of our dollars to other countries because somehow we own them for past injustices.
Do your homework. The purpose of the present administration is no secret. Find out who these people are and what they have said in the past.
This coming elections may well be the most important election in your lifetime.
Our government is not to big to fail it is to beig to succeed
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Should we abide by the Constitution
Do you believe our government should look to the constitution for direction or just consider it a rough plan to be followed sometimes?
Remember our constitution has guided and directed us since the time of our inception and through its design America became the strongest, richest country in the world. Through this strength and wealth our country has been for many years the place other countries turn to for help against aggressors, in time of famine and in time of natural disasters. Don't question this, if you have not been taught this in school I suggest you do some research beyond what the liberal teachers have been teaching.
This morning I heard a statement, by a liberal pundit, which says it all.
True Conservatives believe we should follow Constitution and write laws which follow the directives of the Constitution. What I heard was the following:
IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE IN THE CONSTITUTION (speaking of a government program, mandate, new law, whatever) IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
I ask you to give thought to that statement and what it can mean.
We need to cut gas consumption so we must all drive a Volt...It's the right thing to do.
We are too fat so we should not eat bread, close all's the right thing to do.
Old people consume too much of the medical resources, we will no longer allow anyone over a certain age to have hip implants...It's the right thing to do.
Our population is too big, it is harming the can only have one child...It's the right thing to do.
Our natural park land is being hurt by over usage so we will restrict entry to one visit every five years and you must have a park passport. It's the right thing to do.
Everyone should have the same, same food, same housing, same income so the government will take all the money and dole it back out...It's the right thing to do.
This folks is socialism or communism... is it what you really want to see in this country? It has been tried over and over again and again throughout history and it has failed every time.
Obama is a socialist, question it, research it you will find it to be so.
Our country needs you to educate yourself and vote in November.
Remember our constitution has guided and directed us since the time of our inception and through its design America became the strongest, richest country in the world. Through this strength and wealth our country has been for many years the place other countries turn to for help against aggressors, in time of famine and in time of natural disasters. Don't question this, if you have not been taught this in school I suggest you do some research beyond what the liberal teachers have been teaching.
This morning I heard a statement, by a liberal pundit, which says it all.
True Conservatives believe we should follow Constitution and write laws which follow the directives of the Constitution. What I heard was the following:
IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE IN THE CONSTITUTION (speaking of a government program, mandate, new law, whatever) IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
I ask you to give thought to that statement and what it can mean.
We need to cut gas consumption so we must all drive a Volt...It's the right thing to do.
We are too fat so we should not eat bread, close all's the right thing to do.
Old people consume too much of the medical resources, we will no longer allow anyone over a certain age to have hip implants...It's the right thing to do.
Our population is too big, it is harming the can only have one child...It's the right thing to do.
Our natural park land is being hurt by over usage so we will restrict entry to one visit every five years and you must have a park passport. It's the right thing to do.
Everyone should have the same, same food, same housing, same income so the government will take all the money and dole it back out...It's the right thing to do.
This folks is socialism or communism... is it what you really want to see in this country? It has been tried over and over again and again throughout history and it has failed every time.
Obama is a socialist, question it, research it you will find it to be so.
Our country needs you to educate yourself and vote in November.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Could we call it the Obama/Buffet Express
How will the oil from Canada be transported if the pipeline cannot be built? Possibly by rail you think.
Well think this.
Who just recently bought some trains in Nebraska???
Who stood behind Senator Nelson when he had difficulties, over the healthcare bill in the Senate??
What corporation does Nelson have huge investments in???
Can you answer any of these questions??? If not allow me.
Who owns trains...lots of trains....Obama's friend Warren Buffet...You know the one who believes higher taxes should be levied on the rick but at the same time he is fighting the IRS over a tax bill in the billions which one of his companies owe.
Who stood behind Nelson...Obama's old friend Warren Buffet.
What corporation is Nelson heavily invested in...My My it's Berkshire-Hathaway...and that is who's corporation...
It's Obama's old friend Warren Buffet
Does any of this ring any bells for you about what just might be going on in Washington?
Think about it.........
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