Do you believe our government should look to the constitution for direction or just consider it a rough plan to be followed sometimes?
Remember our constitution has guided and directed us since the time of our inception and through its design America became the strongest, richest country in the world. Through this strength and wealth our country has been for many years the place other countries turn to for help against aggressors, in time of famine and in time of natural disasters. Don't question this, if you have not been taught this in school I suggest you do some research beyond what the liberal teachers have been teaching.
This morning I heard a statement, by a liberal pundit, which says it all.
True Conservatives believe we should follow Constitution and write laws which follow the directives of the Constitution. What I heard was the following:
IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE IN THE CONSTITUTION (speaking of a government program, mandate, new law, whatever) IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
I ask you to give thought to that statement and what it can mean.
We need to cut gas consumption so we must all drive a Volt...It's the right thing to do.
We are too fat so we should not eat bread, close all's the right thing to do.
Old people consume too much of the medical resources, we will no longer allow anyone over a certain age to have hip implants...It's the right thing to do.
Our population is too big, it is harming the can only have one child...It's the right thing to do.
Our natural park land is being hurt by over usage so we will restrict entry to one visit every five years and you must have a park passport. It's the right thing to do.
Everyone should have the same, same food, same housing, same income so the government will take all the money and dole it back out...It's the right thing to do.
This folks is socialism or communism... is it what you really want to see in this country? It has been tried over and over again and again throughout history and it has failed every time.
Obama is a socialist, question it, research it you will find it to be so.
Our country needs you to educate yourself and vote in November.
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