The night did not end well for half of America. Last night we learned the outcome of the 2012 elections and for Conservatives and Republicans it was not good.
We saw the re-election of a man who lied to us every time he spoke. A man who failed to do any of the things he promised while he was running for office the first time. A man who promised transparency and who then proceeded to be secretive and to refuse to turn over papers again and again. A man who has, as his attorney general a man who fights against citizens rights if the citizen happens to be white, who has fought every state which has tried to implement the most simple requirements for proving your right to vote. A man who has no knowledge of business but pretends to understand how to create jobs while each and every move he makes tend to put another roadblock in the way.
We missed the opportunity to put into the White House a man, perhaps the most qualified man, who has offered his services to the American people for many years. But who would vote for a men who says the way to a successful life is through hard work and honesty when on the other hand they were offered a life of ease by a man believing in socialism, spreading the wealth.
I find myself ashamed to be a woman when so many of my sex sold their votes and their souls for free contraceptives and free abortions to kill their unborn child when they fail to be responsible. They have fallen so far from the feminist movement which put many of these women into the work force. Independence was the goal even to the point that men were made irrelevant.Now they want the Government to be the "man" in their lives and they have sold their independence for that $9.00 prescription.
And how many who voted for Obama did so because he made himself into a celebrity. How far our fellow citizens have fallen when our yardstick for selecting a president is to measure what's in it for me and how cool is the guy handing it out.
Do you know what the most "googled" phrase was on election day? It was "who is running for president?"
Where are we as a country when Jesse Jackson Jr who has been in a hospital suffering from depression most of his term is re-elected in a landslide while Allen West,a man of honor who has served his country in the military and is an outstanding example of what a patriot is, is now in a tie and may not win re-election.
Also in Florida Alan Grayson who before losing his seat in congress two years ago stood on the floor of the congress and said of Republicans "they want you to die", he won election.
What have we become and how much worse will it get before we can turn it around, or can we?
We must now admit that we have hit the tipping point where the freeloaders "useful idiots" who want more and more from government and who believe they have a right to anything they want are in control.If they don't outnumber us, who believe in the constitution they soon will.
If you believe in the America we grew up in then you must ask yourself how have we arrived at this point? How do we educate the masses who now populate half our country? How do change an ideology that is so far removed from what made America great, from what we have believed for all these years.
The progressives have been on this push to take us over, from the inside, for many years. We have not taught our students history nor the constitution, nor the value of freedom. We teach them about getting along with one another, about being a part of the world, feeling good about themselves, about how we are killing the environment and global warming. Do you think even one out of ten children have a basic understanding of the economy, of the value of money? but...we teach them that having two mothers or two fathers is normal, we teach them, in elementary school, how to use a condom but not how to make a living.
Today all the talking heads and pundents are talking about what Romney did wrong and why he failed. I don't think he did fail. I think the citizens of this country failed, they failed to act like responsible human beings, they failed to spend a little time finding out what is really happening in Washington and in their cities and states. They vote for all the wrong reasons. They failed in not holding Obama to his promises and not blaming him when he didn't. They failed in not knowing what qualities to look for in a leader, they have failed to educate themselves in even the most meager way as to how an economy works. No Romney didn't fail, he and his family and Paul Ryan and his family gave their all trying to explain to anyone who would listen, how we could save our country.
We failed as a country, we failed miserably and we may never have the opportunity to correct it. It is indeed A Sad Day For America,
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