Thursday, March 28, 2013

Data Mining Your Childrens Information

It would seem that not a day goes by without something new to worry about comes our way. From our government.

The Federalist papers and other written notes from our Founding Fathers tell us that we must be vigilant about our Freedoms and tells us why it must forever be so. The writings admonish us that "power corrupts."
The writings tell us that if men were angels there would be no reason for laws, but alas that is not so.
The current administration is perhaps the most power hungry administration since Woodrow Wilson and he was power hungry without end.

Unless you become a political junkie you cannot keep up with all that is happening. The power guys and their corrupt media in Washington also have a very effective method of changing the scenery as quickly as the stage hands at a Broadway play. Just watch, when things start getting a little warm around Obama's feet the subject changes.

The latest big thing to come to my attention very quietly, is something called Common Core. It is being silently, has been in many cases, slipped into our school systems. If you have been worried about what has been going on in schools with the elimination of our true history, the elimination of the greatness of our country, to be replaced with the wonders of Communism, the collective replacing personal freedoms then this should really shake you to your core.

Along with Common Core is a giant data mining project which will collect every possible bit of information about your child and through your child, you and your family, your income level, your religious beliefs, your political leanings and on and on. 

Our privacy  rights are suppose to be guaranteed by the government but this project has been given the green light to collect and use every bit of information they can collect.
Your child's future life will be determined based on this collection of evidence, he will be evaluated by a teacher not trained in child development or physiology. The decision on what your child will be taught and what vocation the child will pursue will be determined not by you, the parent, but by the collective. 
There is so much that we all need to know about this. It is so new that the information is just now spilling out a little at a time I cannot begin to give you the information you need to know.

If you are concerned about our country, about the country your  children or grandchildren will live in it is imperative you get involved and work to get this out of our schooll systems. 
This is not a democrat or republican thing, this is a progressive thing and it has wormed it's way into both political parties.

If you wonder why we can't make headway in Washington, why nothing gets done it is because there are far too many politicians, long established, who have bought into the progressive movement.
This movement is not new. It has been around since the beginning of our public school system and like a cancer it has slowly spread it's roots until now it is throughout the whole systme.
i encourage you to do your own research. Google Common Core. Find out what is being done in your state to end it. Then join in and do your part. This must be fought as a State issue.

I have been a political news junkie for the past five years or so and thought I was up to date on most of what was out there but this just crossed my path a few nights ago when I watched Glenn Beck on The Blaze. He had a group discussion with some very impressive folks. i was really shocked.

There are a couple of real disappoints here for me. It seems that Jeb Bush has been instrumental in pushing Common Core and Bill and Melinda Gates have contributed a huge sum of money to the Date Mining project. I am going to guess that in both cases perhaps they believe this is for the best but like the progressive reasoning behind all of this, they believe they are superior to the rest of us. They believe that the multitudes, if left to our own devices, can only flounder around. They know best.

Remember this. There has never been a successful Communist or Socialist society. They cannot succeed because when individual incentive is removed by saying "no matter how hard you work you cannot make mre than the next guy,' when this occurs we have lost the very thing that made America the greatest county ever known. And in a relatively short time.

Our free market, Capitalist way of life has pulled more people out of poverty than any thing else has ever even come close to. WE must work to get rid of the people in Washington who do not believe in the American way and replace them with people who do.

Come on all of you who have not done one thing to turn  this mess around. We will all either stand together or we will fall together. What is your preference? You need to get informed and convince at least one more person about Freedom, about our Rights and how valuable they are. Freedom and Rights to make our own decisions,  decisions concerning our children,  our healthcare, gun ownership and all our rights to Life Liberty and The pursuit of Happiness. By the way did you know that originally that was Life, Liberty and the right to own Property? That is where our Property rights originated and if we don't stand up soon we will lose that as well.

Please click on the following link and read about the project underway to collect data on our children.Data Mining our Children

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