Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We The People

 Donna's Prime Thoughts  

Happy Monday Feb. 3,2014
There is a move within some of the Tea Party groups to form a more coercive unit by uniting under one group or to choose one leader. This would be a very positive move, however human nature being what it is, I think the move would be fraught with difficulties.

Here is a small suggestion. While it would not create a single unit, where there are many, it would provide a way for people who are Tea Party members or are in agreement with them to show their support.
This decal looks great on the back window of a car or truck and sends a message without being "in your face" like many political statements.

This  isn't political... it is American.

Our government, as set forth in our Constitution, is about  "We The People".

We are suppose to be in control . after "We The People" the power is to reside in our State Governments and then a very small portion of power, mainly the power to keep us safe, was given to the Federal Government.

We have moved way too far from what made us AMERICA and made AMERICA the best form of government ever created by mankind. Our form of government and the wealth it has allowed to be created has lifted more people out of poverty then anything else ever has or could.

Click on the Image above to order your copy of "WE THE PEOPLE"

Display it proudly

Again Thank you for your business.
It is greatly appreciated.

        Thank all of you who have ordered from Decalsrock.com this year. Your business is gratefully appreciated.

Remember you can add a name or an expression to any of our decals
Usually at no charge.
Our prices are great, our service is great, our selection of sizes is unbelievable, check it out. And thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated.
My best to you all...Donna
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