Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Another Child Suicide (or) Has Government Dependency brought us to this.

by donna merritt...
Once more we hear the sad news that another child has taken his own life because he was the subject of cruel treatment at the hands of his peers. This little boy was fourteen years old and lived in Florida.
Can you imagine yourself at that age, unable to make your own decisions, being dependant upon someone else to keep you safe and out of harms way? Can you imagine the people you love the most sending you to school every day knowing full well what you will be subjected to and you are unable to stop it?
If I try to put myself there I find it horrifying.
This isn't about parents who didn't care about their child. According to what I have heard they had moved from New York to Florida to try to make things better for their child. However, they failed to take the one step that could have offered him protection. They failed him by failing to remove him from the situation. They failed him by expecting someone else to care for his safety.  They failed him by failing to understand what government cannot do for him. Government cannot keep him safe.
Government can pass laws but unless they can enforce tthose laws they matter not.
Do you wonder why these parents, and other parents whose children have died because of bullying failed to take the one step that could have removed the threat from their child's life.
One needs not go far back (in years) in our country to find a time when the majority of people were self sufficient. Dealings with the Feds were few and far between and probably most people lived their lives without thinking about the Federal Government except in times of War. They certainly didn't expect interference in their daily lives nor did they expect their fool or housing or education or day to day safety to come from the Federal government.
Schools were local and decision making, regarding the rules and happenings in a school, was a community affair.  Any problem arising from a child's behavior was handled promply with the involvement of the parents of the children involved and the teacher.
So what is the change which has allowed so many children to be so bullied, yet forced to go back day after day into this untendable situation, a situation in which they cannot cope, until they are driven to take their own lives?
The biggest change is that government, through it's welfare state mentality, it's Nany state approach, it's "we know best what is good for you" decision making has convinced too many people that the government is always right, that the government will take care of everything, that you need not be responsible and it's not your fault, someone else is responsible for you problems whatever they may be, just go to the closest government entity and all your problems will be solved.
Too many people no longer feel responsible for or about anything and in the cases of bullying in schools they have put their reliance in the government (ie) school to handle everything.
Problem is...the government can't...
We, as citizens of the greatest country in the world, must once more become responsible. Responsible for ourselves, responsible for our children, for our livlihood, for and to our communities.
To think about a young child tryng to deal with something, far out of his//her control, and being forced, by those very people who should love him best into the situation again and again, day after day. is just too sad for words.

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