Saturday, August 6, 2016



QUESTION?  Are you aware of how many Muslims are in the Obama administration? Have you ever just gone to Google and searched for that information. If you have not I think you will be shocked.

QUESTION? Why would Obama have surrounded himself with Muslims and why has he put them in decision making positions in his Administration ?

QUESTION? Why does Obama have, and has had since before he became president,  a Muslim woman, Valarie Jarrett, born in Iran as his most important advisor?

Don't believe this because I say it is so, do your own research. It is inconceivable to me that so many people, after almost 8 years of Obama still don't know who he is and what he represents. The information about him has been out there on the internet since before his first election yet people rushed to embrace him because of the color of his skin, the thing we are not suppose to judge people by. Yet he is president precisely because of his skin color without ever checking on who the man is and what the content of his character is.

If you have not paid enough attention, over the past years, to know what is happening to our country at his hands please wake up before it is too late. You children's and grandchildren's future depends on it.

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