Wednesday, July 1, 2020

No Common Ground

There is no longer any common ground between the two political parties in our country.
There was a time when our leaders could sit down and discuss  the problems which needed attention and work out a solution. The solution wasn't exactly what, for the most part, either party hoped for but it was a step in the right direction..

Today that is no longer possible. There is no Common Ground upon which we can meet.

The day Donald Trump stepped off the escalator, in Trump Tower, and announced he would run for president, the progressives laughed, the rino republicans, who would become known as the Never Trumpers laughed, but the people who were true conservatives applauded. Finally someone with balls would be running for president on the Republican ticket. Such a novel idea..

As Trump began his campaign, as he began talking about the things which concerned the average voter some of the aforementioned groups began to be concerned. Although the polls showed HIllary would win by a big margin, worry began to creep into those who live in the Washington Swamp. The politicians on both sides of the isle, many of whom have never had a job outside of politics, who know practically nothing of business or how to run one and are totally removed from day to day life of the average American were beginning to hear Trump's promise to "drain the swamp", to make changes which could change their very way of life. They began to take him seriously, They began to worry.

The date most often used, as the date when the plan to stop Trump was first implemented was around July of 2015. Those involved in stopping him was FBI director James Colmey and several associates directly under his control, members of the Justice Department, top members of the intelligence community and Obama and Biden along with top members of his Administration.
Documents have finally been released which prove all of this. When the first spying began, using false information to obtain FISA warrants to spy on General Michael Flynn and Carter Page they had no crime, no legal  reason for the application. We now know that they lied and used false information. We know that, it has been in the Inspector General's report more than one and the documents which prove it is available online. The proof is there.
So while we were not aware of the falsely acquired FISA warrants they began  an investigation charging the President with colluding with the Russians to win the election. They began this investigation with no  evidence of this charge. Muller was put in charge of the investigation, and he accepted the job knowing full well that he had no legal precedent for the investigation. If he had been honest he would have refused the appointment. He didn't. (For those who remember or wish to research Muller's top dog (pit bull as they called him) he was the same man who was in charge of the Enron task Force and destroyed Arther Anderson Accounting which put 85000 people out of work. He tried to completely take down Merrill Lynch and he was in charge of the Senator Steven investigation when they took down a Senator using false information and withholding exculpatory evidence. Almost every conviction in these cases was overturned by the Supreme Court . I recommend Sidney Powell's book "License to Lie". It will scare you to death. I remember these events when they happened and I find her book a "can't put down" read. 

If you follow the news at all you know the story. The Mullier investigation which found nothing. The impeachment by the democrat run congress which failed in the Senate. We now know that every witness who  was called to testify in the secret basement hearings called by Schifft, and who we  were told, had evidence against the President, later said  when specifically asked if they had or knew of any evidence against the president, said they did not.

Close on the heels of the impeachment, came the virus. Considering all the wrong information we have been given, .the incorrect data and the date that just doesn't compute,  it is easy to see that the virus is being used to keep our country from regaining the financial position we had prior to the virus. It is being politicized against Trump. The progressives have done nothing except try to "get Trump" since before the 2016 election.

And finally we have the "peaceful" protesters who are now being used to try to make President look bad. If they can somehow convince people that all the chaos, transpiring in long time controlled Democrat cities, is somehow the fault of President Trump, then somehow people can be convinced to vote for Joe Biden.

 Seriously, I am scratching my head over that one. Really, Joe Biden, a man who has been wrong all his life. Every stand he has ever taken has put him in the wrong. Then you have his liking for touching and feeling little girls and women. Then there is his families wealth, made at the expense of our country and  using his position in the government to grant favors to those in other countries in exchange for money to his family. It's not just his son. And then there is his gaffs, laughed at for years as just being funny. They weren't. And now you have an old man who doesn't know who he is, what he is running for or where he is most of the time.

The time is here when we need to be scared about losing our country. . Don't think for one minute that any of this is about race. It is not. Don't think that BLM is about race. It is not. Now is the time to stand up for what you believe in and for the love you have for your country.

 There are thousands of people who are discouraged and will believe what they see on television. They will believe that there is no hope and our country will become what we see in places like Minneapolis and New York. They will not vote because they think it is hopeless. Think about this...if instead of just hitting the LIKE button on facebook what if you just take a minute to comment or share and say you believe in America. You support America and what it stands for. You never know what just a few words of encouragement will do for a discouraged person. They will know they are not alone in their feelings.

Something as small as just a word of support for our country might be the straw that breaks the camels back (so to speak) and might encourage just one person to dig a little deeper into history and really find out that our country is the most wonderful place in the world, with the most opportunities possible for everyone.

 If you vote for Biden, or fail to vote because you don't like the way Trump speaks remember this. Joe Biden is incapable of being president. If elected the country will be run by Pelosi, AOC, Shumer and the rest of the progressives in Washington. Do you believe in higher taxes, no police, no free speach or liberty, no gun rights, limited freedom? This is what progressives offer. Do you want to see the country look like Minneapolis? Would you like to live there?

Please speak up, encourage others to speak up....Stand UP America.


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