Thursday, March 4, 2010

Givin it a second try

I started this blog a couple of years ago and didn't go very far with it. So here we go again.
Everyday I think I will wake up and find that the mess we call government is not real it is a nightmare and so will go away. But it doesn't.
Can someone, anyone tell me what is wrong with the people in Washington or in any of the 50 statehouses in the US or in any of the counties or cities of those states? What part of being out of money don't they understand? Did none of them study economics ? Have none of them ever managed a budget at home or run a business? What is it going to take to get these people to understand. We are out of money. Stop spending.
This morning in my local paper, Sunsentinal of Fort Lauderdale, there is a story about a decision which the commissioners had made regarding a group of homes which house poor people in the city. The homes were built in the 1940's and are well maintained and really Historic.
The powers that be have decided to tear them down. They will move the residents, most of whom are elderly and have lived there for years, into temporary housing and rebuild the complex.
At the last budget hearings for the city there were threats of having to lay off fireman and police. Close parks and cut many other services. Revenues were down and they were in trouble.
As far as I can see nothing has changed in the months since then. Our real estate market is still flat or perhaps even falling, the unemployment is still extremely high. So why now. Why would any person vote to create this spending of funds that they don't have. What is wrong with these people? Can someone tell me?
Let me hear your thoughts.

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