Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fellow Patriots

by donna OK Patriots....time to show our colors. What is your plan to change just one person's mind about the coming election? This election is the most important election of our lifetimes. It's not about democrats or republicans. It is about keeping America ...America. If you have been paying attention to all that has been happening in the past few days then you know that our government has been lying to us. Not just once or twice but it would seem about almost everything. The attacks in Libya and Egypt.... The government knew they were planned. There is good evidence that the Ambassador was working with or for the CIA having to do with guns our government furnished during the fighting there. The movie trailer was just used as a decoy as to the real reason which is the release of the blind sheik. (he lead the first attack on the World Trade Center) AND did you hear the lame remarks from the government regarding the planning for his release...which they are kind of sort of denying. Then there is the flap over Mitt Romney's 47% statement. There was left out over two minutes of his speech which is all about the Fed and what their actions are doing to us. Romney tried to talk Bernanky out of this last money printing debacle . You do understand that for every dollar the FED prints the dollar in your wallet decreases in value. Research the Weimar republic in Germany in the early 1920s. Fellow Patriots...if you, like me have never been seriously involved in politics before, you must do so now. We must make a change in our government now or we may lose our country forever, or at least for the rest of our lives and probably our children's lives. How do we ever repay a 16 trillion debt. Perhaps it is already too late. And on the Letterman show, which Obama has time for but not for serious meetings, Obama said he didn't know what the debt was when he took office. One more thing that is very disturbing is the fact of how many of the members of the media are so obviously supporting Obama. They get their talking points directly from the Whitehouse. If you don't believe it just watch how quickly the very same word is used, from the major networks, in describing an incident which has occurred. Mitt Romney is a successful business man...don't hold that against you want a failure for our president. I don't. I'm tired of hearing that Romney is removed from the rest of us and aloof. I don't feel that way. I would love to have the opportunity to know someone who has accomplished what he has accomplished. So he has money in overseas accounts. I have a feeling that most of us, if we understood the economy as well as he does, would put whatever we could as far away from the clutches of this government as we possibly could. Just one more thing. If you haven't connected with any of the Patriot groups who are working to put conservatives in congress and to put Romney in the Whitehouse I would like to suggest you visit and if you can contribute check out their "money bomb" site at FireObama (if you have a problem with this link google FreedomWorks Fire Obama ) If you want the truth, find a way to watch Glenn Beck. He is of course on the radio but he is also available on Dish at channel 212. Net week he will be showing a two night program entitled "The Project" about the Islamist planned takeover of America. I hope you will "get on fire" to save our country. Thanks...Donna

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