Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Help True The Vote

Do you believe Elections should be fair  and reflect the wants of the Citizens.

Do you believe that the election last November was an honest election or do you feel, as I do, that there is reason to believe the election was stolen.  The progressives in their fight against voter ID always say the same thing “there is no voter fraud in our country” yet time and time again investigations prove the opposite with people having voted not once, not twice but in some cases as many as eight times. In fact there have been several people found guilty of voter fraud in connection with  Acorn. 

Currently there is a case before the Supreme Court regarding the Voters Rights law which has been in effect since the 70’s.  This gave the Federal Government control over voter laws in several states and has prohibited these states from putting voter ID laws into effect. This law was the result of the Civil Rights movement and fell on any state which had practiced voter discrimination. If you remember several states, prior to the last election were sued by the Justice Department, Eric Holder over their desire to require an ID before a vote could be cast. Hopefully the portion of this law which gives the government this unconstitutional power will be struck down and more states can require an ID. This would certainly help clean up voter fraud but when a group with overwhelming power and the support of the media (to do it’s bidding) decide to steal an election it will take an equally overwhelming and determined group to fight back.

Enter “True The Vote”. This group has as its objective the desire to make sure our elections are run honestly and fairly. If you are feel like we are slowly losing our freedoms and rights, that they are being stolen from us and that we are powerless, as individuals to stop it here is your opportunity to really help make a difference.
You can volunteer and join a group locally, remember voting, even for a National office  is still  really a local event. If you can’t volunteer I would ask that you consider a donation to this group.
They are currently investigating suspected fraud in the 2012 elections. Specifically one of their investigations is regarding the St Lucie county elections where Congressman Alan West lost his seat in a very questionable election.

I hope you will consider a donation to this very worthwhile group and or step forward and volunteer your time. This is non partisan and fair elections should be the goal of every American Citizen. 

I hope you will check out this organization and get involved in making our next election one we can feel secure about. Visit their volunteer site here.

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