If the two names in the title of this article are not familiar to you then be assured that you are not alone.
I have become aware of the two, quite separately, in the last few days. The first was when I stumbled upon a youtube video entitled The Obama Deception. It turned out to be an almost two hour video, not particularly about Obama but rather about the CFR and a group called Bilderberg.
I watch the complete video because, quite frankly, I couldn't pull myself away from it. It's theme was very simple. A very large group of wealthy and influential individuals and corporations plan to take over the world and run it as they see fit.
I'm sure you have heard bits and pieces about One World Order maybe under that name,maybe under another but the same idea.
Since the election of Obama we have heard much about his moving us toward socialism but after watching the video and then connecting it to other information I feel his threat is as nothing compared to the bigger threat from much more dangerous groups.
The video also indicates that it matters not, in most cases which candidate wins, they almost all fall under the influence of this group and another.
My second exposure came just a day or so later when I picked up a little book entitled "The CFR" At the top of the cover it says "America's Unelected Rulers. The book was first published in 1968 and the author is Phoebe Courtney.
I googled Phoebe and found that she had been considered a right wing radical in the 60's. She wrote several books, many of which are available online some in PDF format and some available for purchase. I would strongly advise anyone interested in our country and it's welfare to begin your own research into what has been going on for many years. Secretly.
The book goes into great detail about people and events, publication, speeches etc regarding how the CFR members had become, since the early 50's totally immersed in our government, in our schools, in our media and how they had begun, even then to turn this country the way they wanted it turned. To dumb down our educational system and through the control of the new public television stations.
They made the decision to keep the American citizens in the dark as to what they were planning and to keep from us as much information as they could about the decision making in Washington.
In 1966, despite all that was going on with Russia and with Viet Nam the following publication was released. Publication 8117, August 1966 stated.
"At the direction of the President, secretary of Sate Dean Rusk on May 11,1966 sent to the Congress purposed legislation to provide the President with authority necessary to negotiate commercial agreements with the Soviet Union and other Communist nations of Eastern Europe, to widen United States trade in peaceful goods...."
The State Department publication goes on to state that "in no case does our policy permit trade with Communist countries in war material and other strategic items".
It was a lie.
The book "CFR" follows up with a list of materials, all of which are used in making war equipment.
The list of countries to which these goods were sold include U.S.S.R., Romania,Bulgaria etc. eight in total.
On January 26, 1967 Congressman Glenard P. Lipscomb (R-Calif)revealed how the Johnson Administration is actually granting export licenses for the shipment of strategic material to the Communist bloc.
On March 18, 1968 Senator Karl Mundt (R-S.Dak) declared that while some 400 items had been previously de-controlled for export "of far more significance to the Communist bloc countries has been the adoption of a more permissive review of some 1900 categories of items still under export control as strategic materials.
Senator Karl Mundt then revealed the following:
"included among the shipments of to the Communist countries which have been specifically approved for these 1900 permissive items, are items such as the Worden gravity meter, and diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in the manufacture of explosive and liquid rocket propellants.
According to an editorial in the Richmond News Leader of August 24, 1967. The Worden gravity meter "made of quartz fibers, Worden meters require such skill that fewer than a dozen experts - all Americans - can put one together. The primary purpose of a device of such accuracy is to provide date for guided missile trajectory determinations'.
This and many more decisions which literally sent to the Communist the equipment to kill our soldiers in Viet Nam and which forbade bombing in places which could have won the war for us, happened because the decision was being made, not by officials working for the good of America but made by the "Unelected officials" who have infiltrated our government.
This is just one example among many in the book,all referenced and substantiated which occurred in that period. I guarantee you will be amazed and shocked at the things which have been going on. I personally feel like a total fool for having been negligent in my duty as a citizen as to having been totally unaware of these things.
If it was bad in the 60's it has only become far worse in the year 2010.
The CFR and the Bilderberg group are closely related, very closely with members of one group being members of the other as well. The banking industry is the basic controllers and the Fed is theirs to do with as they like. And look who is in charge, big time, in this administration. It is not Wall Street...it is banking.
Check these out:
You will learn about the Bilderberg group, several short but informative videos.
These groups have been in place since the early years of the 20th century. More people are learning of this every day and perhaps this is the reason the Tea Party groups are growing by leaps and bounds. The time has come when we must "take back our country" or lose it forever.
I'll close this with a paragraph from the book CFR:
But the CFR's plans can be thwarted!
How ? In the American way - political action at the grass-roots level by independent thinking Americans.
Inasmuch as the Constitution provides that the American people shall elect the President of the United States, it then becomes incumbent upon every liberty loving American to vote in presidential elections only for a candidate who is truly independent. A man that the CFR cannot control. And, of course, this presidential candidate must be a man who recognizes the Communist menace at home and abroad.
I hope everyone who reads this will do the research, get the information and decide to stand up for the Freedoms which our Founders fought and died to leave us. We can do no less.