America has lost most of the industry and manufacturing jobs which provided the jobs that gave us the highest standards of living anywhere. We had it all. We were the dreams that people from other countries were dreaming. They knew if only they could find a way to get to America they could make their dreams come true.
Many people are still enjoying a high standard of living but many are now feeling the results of many years of irresponsible governance by both Republicans and Democrats.
We can put the blame squarely on our own shoulders. WE have not been aware and vigilant.
We have allowed Washington to run all over the constitution and take power away from the states. We have allowed them to move us in the direction of big government which costs us more everyday and takes away more and more of our rights and freedoms.
We have allowed our schools to change the history that our children are taught. The changing of the teaching of values in our schools has produced generations of people who do not believe in American values because they have not been taught American values.
That lack of values has filtered down into the whole educational system until now many teachers have gone through their entire education without even hearing about the constitution and without hearing any conservative values.
The progressive movement is all about big government and the fact that government knows what is good for you better than you could possibly know yourself. It is about our rights coming from government rather than from God as our founders believed. Without ever taking into consideration how this can ever work out, economically, they go on and on creating more benefits for more people at the same time what has been created in the past is now in danger of default. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are all on the brink of bankruptcy.
How can anyone believe that you can give healthcare to millions of people and have it cost the government less. Their arguments never make sense and yet those that promote them will almost yell their talking points into your face if you question them. But please...listen to what they say. Do they ever have actual facts. Can they ever show you how it will work. Two plus two will always equal four and no amount of talking points will change it. And you cannot use the same numbes for savings in two places. Yet they try to convince us of that day after day.
Facts are facts and our debt is unsustainable. It is costing us billions of dollars in interest alone and if those interest rates go up it will not belong before it will take every cent the government collects in taxes just to pay the interest. What happens then to the normal everyday cost of running government.
Since Obama has been elected Federal workers salaries have increases tremendously and the number of Federal employees has also seen a very large increase. Did you know that while the number of construction workers who are out of work is holding around 23% but the number of Federal employees who have lost their jobs is 3% ? Doesn't that make you wonder.
Are you aware that the average Federal salary (including benefits) is thousands of dollars higher than that in the private sector?
Have you stopped to think that every person who works in government takes money out of the economy because they do not produce, while employees in the private sector are putting money into the overall economy. And have you considered the only way we can have more money in this country is to manufacture and produce something that we can sell to other countries? Big government only means taking more and more money from the private sector to pay for government which does not product but which consumes?
WE will only once more be a strong country when we all get back to being responsible citizens. We must provide for ourselves and help others who cannot help themselves but we should not expect the government to provide for us. The Federal government has one job and that is to keep us safe. That is the one thing the founders knew the states could not provide for seperately.
If you only get your news from a few minutes of news a day or from the little that is correctly reported in the newspapers then you really probably need more facts. This is your country and your children and grandchildren will be the ones to suffer if we fail to take back our government from the big government that is eating us alive.
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