As each new entitlement has been enacted more and more citizens have become weaker and weaker. Anyone who believes that people are made stronger by being cared for by government, by having less and less responsibility, has certainly been drinking the kool-aid.
Just look at children. The child who is brought up in a home where responsibility is expected from an early age and where discipline is brought to bear if that responsibility is not taken seriously grows into an adult who is capable of being a wife or husband, a mother or father, a good employer or employee and a good citizen.
The child brought up in a home where nothing is expected, no responsibility is handed out or required that child has a rough time accepting responsibility in all walks of life.
The results of the signing of the healthcare bill are beginning to show themselves. While Obama is running around the country, still trying to sell this to the citizens and extolling the virtues of his bill the real facts are beginning to be known.
He's telling everyone that as of the signing of the bill there would no longer be any restriction on existing conditions on children. They would be totally covered. Well someone forgot to put it in the bill. Pretty big mistake I would say. Of course most children were already covered under the SCHIP bill which was greatly expanded just last year.
Large businesses are coming out saying how much tis will cost them and how they will probably need to put their retirees on the government plan because of costs and it will preclude hiring because of the added costs.
We have angry people taking pot shots at politicians. The liberals have been blaming the Republicans because they haven't come out hard enough against the violence. Personally I believe some of it is being staged to use as a tool against the Tea Party groups. Today however, Eric Cantor, minority whip for the Republican party, announced his office was fired on. Cantor is now charging the liberals with using these events to flame the fire and saying, while it is too bad that this is happening, these things happen all the time to people involved in public life.
I believe this is just the beginning of the problems which we are going to see thanks to the Obama administration's targeted takeover of our country.
Tell me what you think...will things get better or worse.
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