Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The deed is done
Monday, March 22, 2010
Do you believe in the tooth fairy
If you believe in the tooth fairy you'll believe in this bill
This bill will put us into bankruptcy. I know there are people for the bill as well as people against the bill. Did you know that almost half of the 32 million people who will receive healthcare will receive it through Medicaid ? Medicaid is an expense to the states in which the people live and most of our states are almost bankrupt now.
Do you really believe that an additional 30 million people can be insured without costing the government money...do you believe it could save the government money?
Do you really believe that the government gives us rights? Our constitution says our rights come from God.
States cannot go into debt like the Federal Government and so if they are required to pay out millions or billions more for medical insurance they will have to cut services in other places.
I encourage everyone to look seriously at this bill and how it will affect you.
Did you know the IRS will be in charge of dertermining that everyone has purchased Insurance?
Did you know that there will be an additional 15,000 employees added to the IRS Ranks.
Did you know that your personal financial information will be shared with Health and Human services at the Federal level.
Did you know that within this bill there is the takeover of all student loans by the Federal government? That the government will determine who gets loans and who doesn't. It will then be in the position to determine what schools teach and to whom.
I know health care for everyone sounds like a good and a charitable thing but the government is not a charity and while the bible requires us to be charitable it is the individual not the government who is to fulfill charitable actions.
Just please look into this yourselves, don't believe me or anyone else but do your own research.
If you believe as I do that this is an unconstitutional bill
Then I want to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:
"Repeal the Health Care Bill !!!"
I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time.
Thanks! Donna