by donna merritt
Do you know the term Red Diaper Baby? My guess would be that if one hundred people were to read this blog there would be at least 95 who would answer "no".
Perhaps that is the reason the voters of this country were so quick to put into the highest office of our country, a man whose background if overflowing with questionable associations.
A Red Diaper Baby is a person whose parents are communist or have communist leaning. These people grow up in surroundings, and with beliefs which are totally foreign to most American citizens.
The following is from a conservative blog and was written by Susan Freis Falknor on 08 Oct 2008:
The red diaper term refers to children of Americans who were either members of the Communist Party (CPUSA) or were “fellow travelers,” or espoused the parallel strains of hard Marxism that emerged in the last century here. The generations that actually joined the party tended to be most active in the 1930s and 1940s. Their politically precocious children were most active in the “New Left” of the 1960s and later. These descendants provided hard-left ideological backbone to their idealistic, peace-and-love, hippy peers.
I would strongly suggest that you read the blog in it's entirety to better inform yourself about a movement which is alive and well here in our country. Here is the the link
The left has spent many years, especially since the 1960's, doing a great job of making any thought or discussion of it to be in bad taste. Even worse it makes the person making such comments really a nut case. It's just not PC. However, in the same time they have become highly involved in education and in the brainwashing of our children. We have generations of people now who believe that America is bad, Capitalism is bad, all parts of the world that are in poverty are only there because of us. Obama went so far as to say "Capitalism has never worked in this country" Give some thought to that statement. It goes on and on.
As they say "read my lips" Communism is alive and well in our country and in our government. Following is just a few of the tenants and beliefs of communism and socialism:
Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Abolition of all right of inheritance
Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
The following says it all and it was written in 42 BC. Human nature is what it is and it doesn't change.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known, and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor. He speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in hearts of men. He rots the soul of a nation. He works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city. He infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A Murderer Is Less To Be Feared." Cicero, 42 B.C.
The biggest difference between Communism and Socialism is in their approach and for this reason Socialism is more easily imposed. Communism is put in place by power and force, usually it comes about because of war. Socialism, by comparism takes control by invitation, like what is happening in our country today. Obama and his plans to "Radically Change the Country" were welcomed and cheered by voters in 2008.
Obama does not see America as I see or or hopefully as you see it. He sees it through the eyes of a "Red Diaper Baby", born into a family and community of people whose purpose in life is to tear down our country. He sees it as a bad place. This is evidenced over and over in his speeches.
Let me ask you to do something...find on youtube, speeches by George Bush, listen to his words when he speaks about America, listen to him talk to the troops. now listen to speeches of Obama. There are some things that cannot be faked and love for your country is one of those things.
Even when proof is furnished, people who refuse to believe what they see happening right before their eyes, make excuses. The people in his cabinet who are shown to be radical must have been slipped in, he didn't know. Have you noticed how much this administration "doesn't know". And American's just don't want to know, particularly when they voted for a person who now shows his true colors, and...they were hoodwinked.
The following is again from the Blueridge blog.
“Guilt by Participation”
After all this sifting and speculation, it is fair to ask: so what if Barack Obama may be a red diaper baby? So what if some of his allies and supporters are radicals and reds?
Well, here is why it does matter.
Red diaper babies tend to grow up with a fire in the belly against American social “injustices” as perceived through the radical lens that they saw so passionately espoused as children in the family circle.
David Horowitz, now a prominent conservative, is a former red diaper baby and 1960s radical activist, who completely turned his politics around in the late 1970s. Horowitz wrote in his autobiography, Radical Son:
“I understood early that my parents’ political religion was really the center of their moral life. This meant—without they necessarily intending it—that the condition of their parental love was that I embrace their political faith.”
The two closing paragraphs from the Blueridge blog are very revealing:
. . . . .
TWO UPDATES SOME 14 MONTHS LATER! James Lewis in the American Thinker writes about “Obama the Red Avenger.” “What we haven’t understood is how deeply Obama was indoctrinated from childhood onward in the war against America. But every intelligence agency in the world has to have figured it out, because it’s all in the public record. Leftists around the world have also known it from day one, and that includes leading Democrats. Obama was not an unknown to Democrat Party apparatchiks. Or the media. Only the American people were kept in the dark. The media and the Democrats are still doing their Obama cover-up today and hoping they will get away with it.” (Underscoring Forum’s.)
National Review on Line contributor Andrew McCarthy reminded us here “. . . [I]f you look at the sweeping changes that have occurred in the past five months, I think what I argued before the election about the significance of Obama’s Leftist background and radical connections was on the mark.” The former U. S. prosecutor declared “I don’t think he is weak at all. To the contrary, I think he has strategic goals that he pursues in highly disciplined, tactical pragmatism. He is a force to be reckoned with, and I don’t think you reckon with him by hopefully assuming that, on some level, he shares our ideas about what’s best for the country and the world. I credit him for wanting what’s best — but only as he sees it.” (Underscoring Forum’s.)
In closing I would say this...please start the conversation with people you know, who haven't a clue as to what reality is. Do some research. Google things you hear that you don't understand. You will be amazed at what you find. Read the Communist Manifesto. Get your head out of the sand and realize this is not a game. This is the world which your children and grandchildren will live in. Do you really want then to only know freedom from a story you tell the, Like...I remember when we could own our own homes and decide what we wanted to do with our lives.
If Americans would only face one fact...that Obama is a Socialist and wants one thing only, To bring America to her knees...the next election would not be in doubt. He would lose.
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