Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Great Choice

by donna
(I am a conservative and I have voted, over my lifetime, for the person not the party. Currently I am a registered Republican in Florida because only by registering as a Democrat or Republican can one vote in the primaries)

Do you know Paul Ryan?

Probably most people, unless they are political wonks, (and I am probably qualified to be one) are not familiar with Mitt Romney's pick for VP.

I have been an avid Washington watcher for several years and as such have become a big fan of Paul Ryan. Yesterday morning when the news came out that Romney had picked Paul I was literally yelling "yes...yes..." . A very happy moment for me and for many others who are so concerned with what has happened to our country in the past years since Obama took office.

Paul is a very impressive young man, an oddity it Washington when you have to wonder if most of our elected officials would have sense enough to come in out of the rain.
Paul Ryan has written two budget bills which were passed by the House of Representatives . The Senate has not passed any budgets, what so ever, because Harry Reid will not allow a budget to be brought to the floor of the Senate. Obama will go down as the first president in history to never have signed a budget bill.

And it is required by law that a budget be prepared each year.

We are so very fortunate to have a man of Paul Ryans intelligence and integrity taking up the fight to bring some common sense back to Washington.

If you are at all tuned in you know that our national debt is almost 16 trillion dollars. I think for most of us the number is so big we just can't seriously contemplate how much it really is. We are borrowing forty cents out of evey dollar we spend and yet Obama wants to spend even more.

Remember both the house and the senate were controlled by the democrats both two years before Obama took office and for the first two years after he was elected. He was able to pass everything he wanted, to spend as much money on stimulas and other spending bills as he wanted and none of it worked. And have you heard him tell you, even once, what he plans to do differently if re-elected?

Can you just imagine the increase in the interest payment on the debt when the interest rate goes up even one or two percent? And it will once the feds stop playing with our money supply and holding down the interest rate by printing more and more money.

So common sense is called for and Paul Ryan is a man who will greatly help Mitt Romney bring it to Washington.

From everything I have been able to find about Paul, and I think when you start listening to him you will agree, he is a very honest, plain speaking man. He doesn't go into talking points or bait and switch. He answers questions honestly when asked. He, like very few in Washington, really understands the economy, how it works and what it will take to build a fire under it and get it going again.

If you have not been enthusiastic about the Romney campaign now is the time to get excited... get passionate...we must take back our country before we go down the road to socialism.

WE can all stand proudly behind these two men who will proudly represent us in Washington. No more apologies.

If you are not familiar with Paul, or even if you are, I suggest viewing the following youtube video and ask that you share it with anyone you know, who is questioning the need for a change in Washington.
Spending Is Not Saving

The democrats have already started re-running an ad showing Paul pushing "grandma" over a cliff in a wheelchair. This is suppose to prove that Paul Ryans budget is aimed at hurting old people.
BE SURE TO UNDERSTAND...Obama's healthcare bill takes over 700 billion dollars out of medicare to use to fund his healthcare bill. Obama has already done what he accuses Paul Ryan of doing.

REMEMBER AND TELL EVERY RETIRED PERSON YOU KNOW: The Ryan plan does not change Medicare for anyone over 55 years of age. Without changes being made to Medicare it will be broke in just 12 years. Whatever the democrats tell you, medicare CANNOT GO ON without changes and if the changes are not made now, while there are still some choices it will be made by drastic cuts later on. Don't be fooled by lies. Please do your research.

I hope you all remember to check YOUTUBE for information about political issues. It is the best source of information we have today. Just about every speech, meetings and hearings is recorded there. If you are not in the habit of using this tool please give it a try. Once you get in there and start investigating you will find all sorts of good info that will give a good insight into how our leaders really think.

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