Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hello and Thanks for reading my newsletter. My goal, is to inform you, if you need informing, to encourage you to vote for Romney, or to vote against Obama if you need encouragement and to share this information, with anyone you know, who you can possibly convince of the need for them to help their country. To subscribe, if you receive this as a forward, go to scroll down the left side to "newsletter" click and enter your email address. This information goes to no one other than my data base. Where are the black ministers on the stand Obama and the democratic party have taken regarding social issues? There is a large group of Black Ministers taking to their podiums to reject Obama on social issues from same sex marriage to abortion, to the required healthcare issue regarding birth control. They are also looking at the some say over 50% unemployment of black teens. Not enough being written about this by the media who have become so openly supportive of Obama it is no longer debatable. . Ah... the left leaning news media. Do you remember, just weeks ago, when Harry Reid was standing on the Senate floor saying he had been told, on good authority, that Romney did not pay any taxes. He had been told by more than one person. The media got hours and hours of coverage over that lie. The Rinos (republican in name only) joined with the progressives demanding Romney release his records. And can't make this up, now that his ta records have been released the big news is that he paid more than he should have and he did it just for political purposes. He gave 30% of his income to charity and the progressives just can't stand it. Why is Obama not meeting with any Heads of State this week in New York? Last year at the Annual UN meeting Obama met with 13 heads of state. While I don't believe anything is ever accomplished at these meetings they president usually meets with some of them. Not this year. Obama will not be meeting with any of them. Hillary will be meeting with several of them in his place. Wonder why that is so. Well here is an answer for you. If Obama, as president, meets with these leaders in an election year then Romney, as the opposing candidate also gets to meet with them. Obama fears the competition. If you are or are not a Romney fan you must admit that the man looks very presidential. Unlike Obama he knows how many states there are and he knows no one builds bridges across the ocean. He also doesn't go on the View (while he could be meeting with heads of state) and refers to himself as "eyecandy". Now I must ask you, How do you feel about your president spending his time on a daytime talk show, referring to himself as eyecandy all while the middle east is on fire, within days of our Ambassador and three other men having been viciously murdered in Libya and while he is refusing to meet with the leader of Israel. Then there is Elizabeth Warren, running for the Senate in Massachusetts. Not long ago it was discovered she had declared herself part Indian so that she could take advantage of laws that give minorities freebies in education and job placement. She couldn't prove she is Indian but there was a picture of a great grandfather or mother who looked Indian and the family stories said it was so. Well the latest is this...she has been practicing law in Mass. without a license. never had one there. Had one in New jersey but she couldn't keep up with the CE hours required so she let it lapse. This woman is a Harvard Law professor. Her classroom hours would have probably given her all the credit she needed . If I, as a licensed real estate broker in the state of Florida, were so so much as write up a simple lease agreement the wrath of God would fall on my head, I would have broken several laws and I'm sure at the very least I would be facing a stiff fine and probably a suspension of my license. Have you noticed laws that apply to conservatives do not apply to liberals. As long as they are "good" people and broke the law doing "good deeds" then it doesn't matter. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I seem to spend so much time worrying, these days, about where our country is going. Sometimes I think I may be in danger of loosing my ability to really LOL (as the younger generation says online) Anyway the following email came to me with the promise of a good laugh and they were so right. Enjoy THE GYNECOLOGIST WHO BECAME A MECHANIC (If you do not laugh out loud on this one, your "laugher" is broken!) A gynecologist had become fed up with malpractice insurance and HMO paperwork, and was burned out. Hoping to try another career where skillful hands would be beneficial, he decided to become a mechanic. He went to the local technical college, signed up for evening classes, attended diligently, and learned all he could. When the time of the practical exam approached, the gynecologist prepared carefully for weeks, and completed the exam with tremendous skill. When the results came back, he was surprised to find that he had obtained a score of 150%. Fearing an error, he called the Instructor, saying, "I don't want to appear ungrateful for such an outstanding result, but I wonder if there is an error in the grade?" "The instructor said, "During the exam, you took the engine apart perfectly, which was worth 50% of the total mark. You put the engine back together again perfectly, which is also worth 50% of the mark." After a pause, the instructor added, "I gave you an extra 50% because you did it all through the muffler, which I've never seen done in my entire career. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now that you've had a good laugh let me share a moment about myself, with you. I am a great grandmother which of course makes me a mother and grandmother as well. With all that I have "children" from 8 months to 56 years. One of my grandchildren, Spencer, who is 18 years olf, seems to enjoy my inclination to get "riled up" about things political and i must admit sometimes my language can get a wee bit colorful. Yesterday while I was visiting the family, ( I do dinner for my son and his three boys on Monday evenings) Spencer was leaving for a few minutes to drive a buddy home. His parting words to me, ( with a big smile on his face) as he went out the door while I was watching Fox News "The Five" with Bob Beckel on the screen, were "now Granny I'll be right back and I don't want to come home and find you out in the front yard yelling." If you are a parent or grandparent I know you can appreciate the pride I feel as I have watched my children and grandchildren grow into good honest hard working American citizens. Spencer is a good example and I am so proud when I see him, at eighteen years of age learning a trade ( he attends a technical school learning welding) he has long since become quite familiar with auto mechanics by rebuilding just about every part of his Dodge truck. Perhaps the thing that makes me most proud is the way he stands up for the constitutional principals which made our county great. He knows that handouts are to be avoided and that what you want you must work and work hard for. He knows his American values. All my children do, makes me proud and I cannot imagine it otherwise. Now how do we reach out to that large and growing segment of our society who believe otherwise. Who believe that the country owes them everything? If we can't change the mindset of these people, if we allow them to become the majority then our country will be lost to us and more importantly it will be lost to our children and grandchildren. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I just saw Mitt Romney give one of the best speeches I have ever heard him give. It was at the Clinton Global Initiative. I'm sure it will be available online. If you get a chance to view it please do and share it with a friend. It wasn't a campaign speech and I think it showed the real difference between Mitt Romney and Obama. As always THANKS for your purchases from Your purchases allow me to continue with the newsletter and it is my hope that something I say will touch just one mind and perhaps through that one another mind and so on. I am just a very ordinary person who loves my country. I firmly believe that if we want to leave a country to our children and grandchildren then we must, everyone of us, take a stand. Any little thing you do this election that you've never done before will be one step closer to taking America back for "We the people." There is so much going on that even with diligent digging we will probably never know, but what is there, in front of us should be enough. Obama is not a leader, that should be enough. Obama knows nothing about business, that should be enough. Obama believes in running our lives, (did you see his Julia ad?) that should be enough. Obama gave away billions of our dollars to his friends for doomed to fail green energy scams, that should be enough. Obamacare will destroy the best healthcare on the planet, that should be enough, Obama has increased our debt over 6 trillion dollars, that should be enough, Obama is dividing our country into the haves and have nots and that should be enough. If you care to share this with a friend, it could be your "one thing" to help make a difference. I hope you'll do it. Thanks...Donna

Monday, September 24, 2012

Obama really is Leading From Behind

Have you been following the news about the uprisings in the Middle East/ And are you more than just a little fed up with being lied to ? I find myself wondering just how people can stand in front of the news cameras day after day and tell stories that completely contradict what they said just the day before. How do you do that? I know we are probably guilty of having told a little white lie from time to time but this administration's stories are beginning to all be contradictory and nonsensical. The word has been out for days now that the administration including Obama, Clinton and Rice, knew for up to three days ahead of time that there would be attacks in both Egypt and Libya. The question we all need to ask ourselves then is why wasn't anything done to prevent the attacks or at least to reinforce the security of our Embassy and Consulate. Let's put the story of the movie about Islam to rest, it didn't happen that way. We can put it all down to total ineptness, which more and more i am beginning to think is the main problem of this Whitehouse or we can put it down to politics. The latter of these two may well be the most diabolical. The following is from an article in the .FrontPageMagazine, and I quote. " The reason that Obama and his associates have done everything possible to avoid describing the attack on the Benghazi consulate as a planned terrorist operation is because the difference between a spontaneous attack and a planned attack is that the failure to prevent a planned attack represents a serious intelligence failure." Not a good thing here at election time. It is thought that the administration was warned that attacks would be forthcoming but that they would only consist of burning our flag and doing a little rioting. In the minds of our leaders. (and I use that term loosely), that would be acceptable. It is reasonable to believe that the attack which did take place in Benghazie would have most likely been orcastrated using the internet. If this is true then our intelligence either missed or misinterpreted what was out there. In any case if we have come to the point where the leaders of our once great country see the burning of our flag and endangering our people, posted in foreign countries, as acceptable then we are no longer a power to be reckoned with. For those of you old enough to remember, think of Neville Chamberlain before World War Two. For those of you too young to know, research the name and the word appeasement. Weakness never works. It doesn't work in nature, it doesn't work on the playground and it doesn't work in the relations between nations. There is a new book out called "Leading From Behind", author Richard Miniter, which explains much of what is going on in this administration. The book is not about the right or wrong of Obama's leadership. Rather it is an explanation of it. I watched a good interview of the author last night on CSPAN in the "After Words" program. It is archived and accessible on the network and well worth your time in watching it. I hope you have a wonderful week. Donna

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fellow Patriots

by donna OK Patriots....time to show our colors. What is your plan to change just one person's mind about the coming election? This election is the most important election of our lifetimes. It's not about democrats or republicans. It is about keeping America ...America. If you have been paying attention to all that has been happening in the past few days then you know that our government has been lying to us. Not just once or twice but it would seem about almost everything. The attacks in Libya and Egypt.... The government knew they were planned. There is good evidence that the Ambassador was working with or for the CIA having to do with guns our government furnished during the fighting there. The movie trailer was just used as a decoy as to the real reason which is the release of the blind sheik. (he lead the first attack on the World Trade Center) AND did you hear the lame remarks from the government regarding the planning for his release...which they are kind of sort of denying. Then there is the flap over Mitt Romney's 47% statement. There was left out over two minutes of his speech which is all about the Fed and what their actions are doing to us. Romney tried to talk Bernanky out of this last money printing debacle . You do understand that for every dollar the FED prints the dollar in your wallet decreases in value. Research the Weimar republic in Germany in the early 1920s. Fellow Patriots...if you, like me have never been seriously involved in politics before, you must do so now. We must make a change in our government now or we may lose our country forever, or at least for the rest of our lives and probably our children's lives. How do we ever repay a 16 trillion debt. Perhaps it is already too late. And on the Letterman show, which Obama has time for but not for serious meetings, Obama said he didn't know what the debt was when he took office. One more thing that is very disturbing is the fact of how many of the members of the media are so obviously supporting Obama. They get their talking points directly from the Whitehouse. If you don't believe it just watch how quickly the very same word is used, from the major networks, in describing an incident which has occurred. Mitt Romney is a successful business man...don't hold that against you want a failure for our president. I don't. I'm tired of hearing that Romney is removed from the rest of us and aloof. I don't feel that way. I would love to have the opportunity to know someone who has accomplished what he has accomplished. So he has money in overseas accounts. I have a feeling that most of us, if we understood the economy as well as he does, would put whatever we could as far away from the clutches of this government as we possibly could. Just one more thing. If you haven't connected with any of the Patriot groups who are working to put conservatives in congress and to put Romney in the Whitehouse I would like to suggest you visit and if you can contribute check out their "money bomb" site at FireObama (if you have a problem with this link google FreedomWorks Fire Obama ) If you want the truth, find a way to watch Glenn Beck. He is of course on the radio but he is also available on Dish at channel 212. Net week he will be showing a two night program entitled "The Project" about the Islamist planned takeover of America. I hope you will "get on fire" to save our country. Thanks...Donna

Sunday, September 16, 2012

9-11 Terrorist Attacks, The Facts

This is a great Article of facts. I found it at
by Kristopher Kaim

Director of Middle East and Counter-Terrorism Affairs (GSFC

The United States has been reeling from a series of protests and attacks at U.S. embassies and consulates in the Middle East. On the 11th anniversary of the September 11thattacks, American ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed along with two ex-Navy SEALS, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods along with Information Officer Sean Smith. Gunmen attacked the Libyan consulate at around 10:30 pm Libyan time with small arms and explosives and was able to breach the perimeter. Most of the staff was escorted out to safety and since been flown to Germany for debriefing but the ambassador and several others remained. At the same time, the U.S. embassy in Cairo was attacked where protestors tore down the American flag and replaced it with a black flag that said “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger”. Embassies attacked from Morocco to Yemen have been reported and concerns for further attacks in additional countries have been expressed.

What media reports claim is that these attacks were in response to a film created in California about the life of Mohammad called “The Innocence of Muslims” which painted the prophet as a fraud and sexual deviant. Mass protests have been gathering in the Middle East in many Islamic countries and calls to similar protests have been made in western nations to include the United States. Similar events were witnessed in the Draw Mohammad Day in 2010 and the Danish cartoons of Mohammad in 2005.

Yet a major difference between these events is that two of them were spontaneous rallies of violence and the other was a coordinated terrorist attack that was planned.

First it is no surprise that Islamic terrorists use special dates as spring boards to conduct attacks against targets around the world. In fact the September 11th attack’s date was specifically chosen in reference to the Battle of Vienna in 1683 where the Ottoman Empire was defeated by the Holy Roman Empire and Poland thus expelling the Islamic empire from Hungary some years later and ending Ottoman expansion in the European continent. Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden – when he was alive – had made reference to this particular battle thus speculating that connection. Intelligence agencies around the world also recognize the importance of dates in reference to terrorism and around the anniversary carefully monitor terrorist chatter in the event of another attack.

Another thing to note are the recent killings of high profile terrorist leaders. Al Qaeda’s number two, Abu Yahya al-Libi, was killed in an American drone strike in Pakistan in June and Al Qaeda in Yemen’s number two, Saeed al-Shihri on September 10th. These significant events have no doubt drawn the ire of Islamic terrorists and shifting political balances in the region have given such groups a renewed zeal.

The savagery of these attacks were timed all too close to each other in the aftermath of these two leaders’ deaths and the September 11th anniversary. Such a coincidence should not be ignored as the film in question, which was speculated to start these attacks, is a red herring to the greater political and security situation of the region. Already, an al Qaeda affiliated group has claimed responsibility for the attack and evidence shows a 42 minute video released by Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri on September 10th which confirmed al-Libi’s death and called for Muslims to exploit American weaknesses and to “liberate” every inch of Islamic land from the Americans and Jews.

Given the lax security at the consulate in Libya, the al-Zawahiri video may have been the catalyst for the attack. There were no U.S. Marines at the consulate and local police were tasked with protecting the exterior of the consulate itself. However, reports indicate that Libyan police failed to protect the consulate and instead allowed the attackers to enter. In Cairo, there have been independent reports of Marines not having ammunition in their rifles prior to the attack at the American embassy but was denied by the Department of Defense.

After the attack at the Benghazi consulate, sensitive data was taken which may have included information on Libyans working with the United States and American safe house locations throughout the country. All safe house locations have been deemed compromised and at least one was attacked by mortar fire as American personnel were being evacuated.

Warnings of a potential attack was made as early as August when a report written by Chris Blanchard titled Libya: Transition and U.S. Policy noted the lack of security in the country and rouge elements operating without impunity. This warning was echoed by the Congressional Research Service. President Barack Obama has skipped half of his daily intelligence briefings and reports indicate he has not attended his briefings since September 5th. The lack of decision with regards to the security situation for American diplomats in the Middle East has cost the lives of four Americans and continuing protests ensure the possibility of more fatalities should they persist.

Works Cited

Baron, Kevin. “Congress Was Warned about Libya Last Month.” Foreign Policy. Foreign Policy, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. .

MacDonald, Alastair. “US Diplomats, Marine Rescue Team Were Also Attacked at Safe House, Libyans Say.” World News. Reuters, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. .

Robertson, Nic, and Elise Labott Contribute to This Report. “Pro-al Qaeda Group Seen behind Deadly Benghazi Attack –” CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. .

Tepper, Greg. “Hailing ‘blessed’ 9/11 Attacks, Al-Zawahiri Tells Muslims to Exploit US ‘weakness’ to Purify Their Countries.” The Times of Israel. The Times of Israel, 14 Sept. 2012. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. .

Thiessen, Marc A. “Obama Alone: This President Does Not Need Intel Briefers.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. .

Article source:

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I challenge you

Trying to find the truth is frustrating. I watched Glenn Beck while he was on Fox and heard his warnings of what was coming in the middle east. He was right. I heard him talk about things that would be happening in the Obama administration. He was right. I heard from him about all the radicals Obama had surrounded himself with in the White House. I did my own research and found he was right.
Then he left Fox and I tried to follow him on the net but it was difficult and I continued to watch Fox in hope of getting good information. Much of the time I did but there were hours spent screaming at the TV because they were allowing their liberal news people to say things that were so wrong and those things were not being disputed as they should have been.

Now today my spirits are lifted...Glenn is back.
This week his new station The Blaze takes to the air and I am getting caught up. The channel is available on the Dish network at number 212.

My challenge to you is this. If you have access to Dish and channel 212 please watch it just for a few days. That is all it will take if you are someone who truly thirsts for truth.It will be available free for a couple of weeks and then it will be included in the top 250 or can be added to other programming for a small fee.

Yesterday he aired a program about the good deeds of Mitt Romney.
Before you say Oh ya...ho hum let me tell you this. Glenn has not been a Romney supporter. not at all, but he decided to do research on him because if the liberals have not been able to come up with dirt on him then perhaps there is a lot of goods they are not reporting.

It was truly remarkable the different people who came forth, most who did not know Romney when the event they spoke about took place.

Since Glenn's first big event in Washington DC two years ago he has been looking for the next George Washington. Today Glenn says he feels so bad to have overlooked the great good of this man Romney and he believes he has found his George Washington. Mitt Romney is here to help us all if we just get behind him.

I ask all of you who read this, please, please get involved. Do your research. Understand just what a dangerous place we are in and where we will be if this man Obama is allowed to stay in office another four years. For the sake of our children and grandchildren please do everything you can do to make a difference. Just convince one person to go out and vote for Romney. Convince one person not to vote for Obama.

Obama is not just a poor president he is an evil man. His intent is to bring America down. It has been obvious since he first was elected.

Do you remember when he said, just before he took office "in just a few days we will begin to fundamentally change America"

Thanks you for reading this and I hope the patriot side of you will stand up for America.