Have you been following the news about the uprisings in the Middle East/ And are you more than just a little fed up with being lied to ?
I find myself wondering just how people can stand in front of the news cameras day after day and tell stories that completely contradict what they said just the day before. How do you do that? I know we are probably guilty of having told a little white lie from time to time but this administration's stories are beginning to all be contradictory and nonsensical.
The word has been out for days now that the administration including Obama, Clinton and Rice, knew for up to three days ahead of time that there would be attacks in both Egypt and Libya. The question we all need to ask ourselves then is why wasn't anything done to prevent the attacks or at least to reinforce the security of our Embassy and Consulate.
Let's put the story of the movie about Islam to rest, it didn't happen that way.
We can put it all down to total ineptness, which more and more i am beginning to think is the main problem of this Whitehouse or we can put it down to politics.
The latter of these two may well be the most diabolical. The following is from an article in the .FrontPageMagazine, and I quote. " The reason that Obama and his associates have done everything possible to avoid describing the attack on the Benghazi consulate as a planned terrorist operation is because the difference between a spontaneous attack and a planned attack is that the failure to prevent a planned attack represents a serious intelligence failure." Not a good thing here at election time.
It is thought that the administration was warned that attacks would be forthcoming but that they would only consist of burning our flag and doing a little rioting. In the minds of our leaders. (and I use that term loosely), that would be acceptable. It is reasonable to believe that the attack which did take place in Benghazie would have most likely been orcastrated using the internet. If this is true then our intelligence either missed or misinterpreted what was out there.
In any case if we have come to the point where the leaders of our once great country see the burning of our flag and endangering our people, posted in foreign countries, as acceptable then we are no longer a power to be reckoned with.
For those of you old enough to remember, think of Neville Chamberlain before World War Two. For those of you too young to know, research the name and the word appeasement.
Weakness never works. It doesn't work in nature, it doesn't work on the playground and it doesn't work in the relations between nations.
There is a new book out called "Leading From Behind", author Richard Miniter, which explains much of what is going on in this administration. The book is not about the right or wrong of Obama's leadership. Rather it is an explanation of it. I watched a good interview of the author last night on CSPAN in the "After Words" program. It is archived and accessible on the network and well worth your time in watching it.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
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