Saturday, September 15, 2012

I challenge you

Trying to find the truth is frustrating. I watched Glenn Beck while he was on Fox and heard his warnings of what was coming in the middle east. He was right. I heard him talk about things that would be happening in the Obama administration. He was right. I heard from him about all the radicals Obama had surrounded himself with in the White House. I did my own research and found he was right.
Then he left Fox and I tried to follow him on the net but it was difficult and I continued to watch Fox in hope of getting good information. Much of the time I did but there were hours spent screaming at the TV because they were allowing their liberal news people to say things that were so wrong and those things were not being disputed as they should have been.

Now today my spirits are lifted...Glenn is back.
This week his new station The Blaze takes to the air and I am getting caught up. The channel is available on the Dish network at number 212.

My challenge to you is this. If you have access to Dish and channel 212 please watch it just for a few days. That is all it will take if you are someone who truly thirsts for truth.It will be available free for a couple of weeks and then it will be included in the top 250 or can be added to other programming for a small fee.

Yesterday he aired a program about the good deeds of Mitt Romney.
Before you say Oh ya...ho hum let me tell you this. Glenn has not been a Romney supporter. not at all, but he decided to do research on him because if the liberals have not been able to come up with dirt on him then perhaps there is a lot of goods they are not reporting.

It was truly remarkable the different people who came forth, most who did not know Romney when the event they spoke about took place.

Since Glenn's first big event in Washington DC two years ago he has been looking for the next George Washington. Today Glenn says he feels so bad to have overlooked the great good of this man Romney and he believes he has found his George Washington. Mitt Romney is here to help us all if we just get behind him.

I ask all of you who read this, please, please get involved. Do your research. Understand just what a dangerous place we are in and where we will be if this man Obama is allowed to stay in office another four years. For the sake of our children and grandchildren please do everything you can do to make a difference. Just convince one person to go out and vote for Romney. Convince one person not to vote for Obama.

Obama is not just a poor president he is an evil man. His intent is to bring America down. It has been obvious since he first was elected.

Do you remember when he said, just before he took office "in just a few days we will begin to fundamentally change America"

Thanks you for reading this and I hope the patriot side of you will stand up for America.

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