Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Not too Big to Fail but Too Big to Succeed

by Donna Merritt
If someone said to you, "hey take over the government, you are now the president," what would you do, how would you handle it?
Would you have a clue as to what needs to be done? No? Well guess what, neither does the president, anyone running for president or probably anyone that has been president for a long long time.
Check out the idiots in government. Oh there are a few, mostly conservtives and mostly the younger most recently elected ones who make sense but most of them you wouldn't even want to share a beer with.
I believe if the IQ of a random selection of representatives in DC was compared to the IQ of a like number of people just off the streets the street people would have the higher IQ.
The problem is this...we have allowed government, local and state and national level to become a huge, unweildy, mess that cannot be understood, cannot be controlled, and is doomed to swamp us all.
Take a look at your local city government. No matter the population it is probably being managed by a group of totally inept elected officials with no education or experience in that which they have promised to do. Look at the code book which rules your life. It is a jumble of codes on top of codes on top of codes until no one can know or understand the rules and requirements.
These same people have granted large salaries and retirements to their cronies until now everything that is taken up within meetings is how to get more money to pay for these obligations, what they can tax next. They have totally lost control and all they can do is just muddle along, making no progress just rying to maintain status quo. They're failing.
Multiply this to Federal government levels and you see a totally out of control monster which absolutely no one understands or do they understand what will work and what won't.
The only hope we have, I believe, is to try to find people, dedicated to cutting down the size of government. Put the Federal government back to it's original purpose that being to preserve our security from without. Almost 50% of the population depends on the government for their subsistance soeach year as this group grows the ability to vote in people willing to cut spending becomes more difficult.
If we don't stop we will be Greece in just a few years. Who will bail us out then?
This administration believes in International law, allowing groups like the United Nations to make and oversee our government. WE must stop this and we must stop it now.Already the IMF is sending billions of our dollars to other countries because somehow we own them for past injustices.
Do your homework. The purpose of the present administration is no secret. Find out who these people are and what they have said in the past.
This coming elections may well be the most important election in your lifetime.
Our government is not to big to fail it is to beig to succeed


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