Thursday, April 26, 2012

What a Pathetic Bunch we are

by Donna Merritt
Our genes certainly have been watered down since our country was founded. The wonderful strong beliefs in rights and freedoms which our Founders were willing to fight and die for. That fighting spirit was still there when our men fought their way through Europe to help other countries keep or reclaim their freedoms.

But what has happened to us. These brave men from years past would be so ashamed of us. They would probably say we do not deserve freedom. We do not deserve any of the wonderful rights they fought and died for.

What are we doing to keep those rights and freedoms. Nothing, absolutely nothing. We allow people in Washington, not even elected officials, to set rules and regulations which affect our every breath.

Now we have the Federal labor department setting out rules which will stop children on farms from doing anything except the most minimal jobs.

Did you live on a farm or know someone who did. I grew up on a farm and children were well versed in the work they did and certainly knew much more then these idiots in Washington.

This is just one more area where our government wants to run our lives. How far are we going to allow this nonsense to go on before we rise up in mass and tell our elected officials to either get their asses in gear and protect us from the intrusion of government of get out of Washington and make way for someone who gives a damn about the American situation.

We have Sharia law and it's proponents every where in this current administration and the latest statement from the Whitehouse is that "The War on Terror is over." Do you believe you believe they would actually say that when we are losing men and women everyday in the fight against Terror. Don't you ask yourself what is going on. If you don't you need to.

The edge of the cliff we are going to go over is fast approaching. Are you ready for it.

There is the old saying that some people make things happen, some people watch things happen and some people say "what happened". Don't be one of the latter.

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